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The Grey Jinjo

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Spiral Mountain
Jinjo Village
Wooded Hollow
Pine Grove
Cliff Top

Ok now you've entered the first level! Yes that means its easy. Its kind of like Mumbo's Mountain in many ways. You can also a temple to play a Doom 64 type game or play in a kickball league as a stony! This level also has a code chamber to enter codes! (See the codes section for exactly what codes)

Egg Aiming - Hold C up and a target will come up. Press Z and whatever egg you have set will shoot exactly wherever the aimer is.

Grip Grab - Jump towards a horizontal crack in the wall or a ledge. Banjo will grab onto it. You can then move left or right on the ledge or gap and press B to attack to the side.

BreeBreegull Blaster - In certain areas of the game you hold Kazooie like a gun and the screen goes so that you walk around like you always have c up held in. Press Z to fire eggs. Its like playing Doom 64 for those of you who played it.

Humba Wumba's Magic:
Stony - Turns Banjo into a small stone version of himself. This is useful for joining the Stony Kickball Games. Also you can head to the beginning of the level and go into the small hole for the honeycomb piece.

Mumbo Jumbo's Magic:
Summon - Go and step infront of the Mumbo's pad infront of where the Stony Tournament is being held and press B. Then you can summon the golden goliath! You can walk around as the giant gold statue and kick open, ands down doors and go through swamps.

Boss: Targitzan - Targitzan is a giant alive statue. You find him in the temple's secret chamber after collecting 20 green statues. (See Boss Strategies for help on beating him)

Main Character/Characters:
Bovina - Bovina is a cow. You shoot down the flys and she rewards you with a Jiggy and a few pathetic jokes.

SSSSSSSSlumber - Slumber is a snake that gtuards a Jiggy. You have to tip toe over the birch to steal it from him or he'll wake up and you'll have to start over again.

Bloatazin - Bloatazin is in trouble and needs to find his masters anchient relic so he doesn't get in trouble. Climb up to the top and get back his acient relic for a jiggy.

Rating: Easy - Its pathetically easy. Then again its the basic level and they always are. They're like skill improvers.

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Glitter Gulch Mine
Jolly Roger's Lagoon
Grunty Industries
Hailfire Peaks
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Cauldron Keep