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The Grey Jinjo

The Requirements To Perform It!

1: Terrydactly Land. (Then you'll auto have WW).
2: Big Dino Transformation.
3: Grip Grab.

How To Pull It Off!

Take the big dinosaur and scare the Unga Bunga from out of the way of the Oogle Boogle cave. Then switch back to BK and go inside. Run pass them to the part where Terrydactly Land meets WitchyWorld. To your left you'll see a sign. Grib Grab it then push the button to pull yourself up. There you go you went through the cieling!

If That Doesn't Work...

IF it doesn't work your game is really not functioning properly. Lol.

What Can You Do With It?

1: Try other signs! This is the only sign found but hey, could be more.

2: See the Oogle Boogle cave! Yeah ok so its not that fun but if you don't have a gameshark, you can't get a skyview, so this is just as good.

Hows It Work?

Theres nowhere else for Banjo to go when he lifts himself up except, yup, you guessed it. The roof.

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