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My Rogue

This is my Rogue, called Odelea
Number of dots: 3
Number of Deaths: About 7 or so.

(Image below: Setup in Demons only levels)

(Image below: Setup in full melee attackers levels.)

(Image below: Bow setup)

HELM (When ranged attackers with elemental damage are present): Obsidian helm of giants (AC 13, resist all + 38% and +19 to strength.)

HELM (for melee only levels): Gotterdamerung (AC: 60, +20 to all, -4 damage from enemies, all resistances equals 0 and –40 % light radius.)

MELEE WEAPON: Civerb's cudgel (Damage 1-8, +200% total damage to demons, -5 to dexterity and -2 to magic.)

SHIELD: Stormshield (AC 40, +4 damage from enemies, +10 to strength, indestructible and fast block.)

WEAPON: Windforce (Damage 1-14 + 200%, +5 to strength and knocks target back.)

ARMOR: Awesome plate (AC 75 + 148%)

AMULET: Amulet of the Zodiac (+19 to all.)

RING: Obsidian ring of perfection (Resist all + 32% and +24 to dex.)

RING: Drake’s ring of the heavens (+ 12 to all and mana +50.)