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Cloaked in secrecy

Here you can find all non diablo related material. N-joy.

Here's a Homm3 Shadow of Death screenie. It's probably the biggest battle I ever had in the game. It was a 200% difficulty extremely big map where the computer has a huge starting advantage. I'm the one attacking. The battle wasn't even that hard because my main hero's primary skills were extremely high and he had IIRC good spells. The goldies were for free since they had offered to join me... and I don't say 'no' to Goldies ;-)

Here's another Homm3 screenie. It's one of the most amazing victories of mine ever. Looking at the numbers of my troops and their strength compared to that of my enemy's it's almost a wonder I won. I am the one defending this castle. Alamar, the hero in it, has a resurrection specialty. He had (IIRC) advanced Earth magic and was around level 14, give or take a level. The attacking hero had no ballistics which will be a man's downfall when having many ground troops. This weak point of his against castle towers, resurrection and the oh so powerful blindness spell caused me to win this battle.
In the pic below you see all troops of mine. There were no other creatures of mine other then can be seen below. The number of medusa queens was 30 or 31 total.
I started with blinding the most threatening troops. First that was the stack of cyclops kings. I've seen them ruin my walls and castle gate in previous battles. I had to stop them first. Then I blinded the thunderbirds. They are the ones that will be capable of attacking my troops inside the castle. Blinding them means stopping them for a while so you can concentrate on other troops. Then the orc chieftains were next because they could hit me as well. I blinded them IIRC. Now there were no things to be scared of any longer so I positioned my troops right and resurrected already fallen troops. Now I wanted to dispose of the thunderbirds and fast too! IIRC I waited with all my troops till the infernal trogs were ready to charge and I attacked the thunderbirds. They awoke and killed the trogs with ease. No probs. They then charged some of my troops (IIRC the harpy hags.) I lost many if not all, but I resurrected them and attacked with all my troops. Many birds got killed. Next turn they attacked again, but I resurrected them and again charged with hags and shooters. Didn't take me too long to kill them. After several turns the enemy hero somehow managed to destroy a wall, and his ogre magi and ancient behemoths immediately stepped in the moat. Sooo I had to close the gap with my minotaurs, so that his troops would suffer every turn due to the moat. With the help of the castle towers, my shooters and hags I managed to kill many of the enemy troops in the moat. The minos just defended, they didn't attack because it would mean they would get killed in the retaliation. I had to use resurrect a few times to keep the minos alive. Eventually I won that battle. I even had to leave the castle (at the end; hell I'm not leaving with many ogre magi, hobgoblins and especially not Ancient behemoths outside!!!) with my medusa queens because they had run out of ammo to kill the remaining orc chiefs. (The med. queens even waited several turns inside the castle, having no ammo, waiting for the opposing ground troops to be killed.) Soooo in short I won! Look at the screenie below to see the troops involved.