This is my Tank Mage, called Lord_Kilgor
Number of dots: 3
Number of deaths: way more than 10, I lost count ;-)
I know, his resistances suck big time ;-) Still looking for that obs. heavens or obs. zodiac... Too bad they're so rare...
Now the spells:
His equipment:
Helm: Royal Circlet (AC 40 +10 to all, mana +40 +10% light radius)
Weapon: Dreamflange (dam 1-8, +30 to magic, mana +50, resist magic +50%, +20% light radius and spells are increased one level.)
Armor: Awesome plate (AC 74 +137%)
Shield: Stormshield (AC 40, +4 damage from enemies, +10 to strength, fast block and indestructible)
Ammy: Amulet of the zodiac (+19 to all)
Ring: Drake's ring of harmony (+42 mana and fastest hit recovery)
Ring: Jade ring of the zodiac (+20 to all and +27% resist all)