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Chapter 14


The dark cellar echoed with the rat's squeal of discovery. The grain bag he had been raiding was gone and in it's place was instead the aroma of fresh cheese. Seconds later, a sharp 'SNAP' sound echoed against the wall and a flopping sound of wood began. It took several moments, but eventually, things quieted down until silence once again reigned.

It remained quiet until the grating of stone, actually little more than a quiet whisper, could be heard, yet no one was there to hear it. Only the two men who seemed to walk right out of a stone wall could be said to have heard it, yet they both seemed distracted by inner thoughts. Light from the lanterns they held pushed away the shadows and the room became brighter than it had been for hours.

The first man waited while the other placed his hand into the stone wall near where they had appeared seemed to do something, and then the whisper of grating stone repeated itself. The second turned and looked at the first.

"Time is working against us here. There are still too many unknowns."

"I know that. But it is what I must do. I have to go see what happened to Merlose and Ilora. Lord Darkman has always been a variable in matters but I knew that Callo and Ilora were meant to have a large role in things."

The second one nodded. "Precognition was never one of my specialties. I tend more towards tactics and battle. You were the one with the magical bonuses." He looked at the first. "Dave, do you really think it wise to show Gunforsax your home?"

Dave shrugged. "No, but this bond creates a whole new factor and the man is incurably honest and honorable. As much as I believe he will keep it quiet, the same man will not sit quiet and accept the deception I have to maintain to keep the information from him and others. The bond prohibits hiding anything and he asks about every little nuance. Better to show him now and get his goodwill than to have it come out in a group of people and have to try and explain it in a critical situation."

Aebudae nodded once. "Then I will see about the issues within Verdite, you deal with Lea Monde, and then we can meet together to figure out what is happening at Melanat."


"Lets go get something to eat. And to tell the others what we need them decide to do for themselves." A grin followed the comment, but quickly faded when he saw Dave did not return it. That was all right. He really did not feel the humor he had tried to express.


Awakening from the dream of the defaced statue and a burning Inn, Khuspusare rubbed the sleep from his eyes and sat up. He stilled his breathing and sank into a meditative state. And there, he saw the dream was not just shadows of past or of his own mind, but of prescience, a definite warning of the future. What was distinct to his mind, however, was that he was alone. Gunforsax had not been in the dream. Throughout all the years they had been together and even when they followed their own paths, each to their own Towers, his portentous dreams had always included his cousin. This was the first time it had not.

That alone was portentous. It meant they were meant to go separate ways. And that troubled Khuspusare. He maintained meditation for an hour before getting dressed and going down to break fast.

Gunforsax and Raistlin were talking together, Raistlin looking rather hale compared to the thinning skeleton of a man that prisoners often became. His left hand was wrapped in white linen but that did not prevent him from curving both of his hands around a mug with steam barely wisping up from it. The smell was that of the kaffee that the people of this land seemed to enjoy. Gunforsax nodded to him to join them.

Khuspusare walked over to the bar counter and took a thick pinch of leaves from a pouch at his hip and put it into one of the deep ceramic cups, then poured water into it from the kettle of hot water sitting on a metal grille over some hot coals. He picked up the cup and went over to the table.

He had been listen to Raistlin explaining how his hand was tingling (not as much as his head, though) and he was sure that Dave had repaired it back to a usable state. As he sat, Raistlin was munching on a rolled up piece of dark brown bread with a sausage in it. Khuspusare looked down and saw not only sausages and the bread, but also several large pieces of fruit, including one with a thick orange rind on it. Gunforsax had peeled one and was more than halfway through it, with wedges of the fruit in his juice stained hands. Khuspusare swirled his developing tea and waited for it to complete it's transformation.

Dave walked out into the main area from the cellar and kitchen area and poured himself some kaffee, adding the vanilla and cinnamon he loved. "So, how is the hand feeling this morning Raistlin?"

Raistlin seemed to grow quiet but replied that it was fine.

"It should be ready to take the bandages off by this afternoon and you will need to do exercises every hour to insure the proper regrowth of muscles and ligaments to give you full range of function back, but it should work normally after that." Dave finished preparing his kaffee and came over to the table.

He sliced a piece of bread with the knife, took a sausage himself and also one of the orange fruits.

Conversation had subsided to nothing while he did this. Then Dave said, "Aebudae's back."

Raistlin, who had just finished taking a swallow of his own kaffee, jerked and almost slammed his mug down, but he did manage to swallow his kaffee before he burst out, "You're joking!"

"No, he is not Raistlin," a voice from the kitchen area spoke out. The man approached and stood next to the table. "I came in last night and helped Dave to heal your hand. You're very lucky. You should get full action back."

Raistlin stared at the figure he had known for such a short time and hadn't seen in ages. Aebudae seemed changed, perhaps a bit of gray at the temples, and he seemed more self assured or confident. Raistlin realized just how much he had come to miss the man as well as to have developed a bit of hero worship of him. Raistlin stood and extended his good right hand in welcome. Aebudae grasped his forearm in the warriors handshake. Raistlin was grinning from ear to ear and stepped up to Aebudae to grasp his shoulder with his left hand also. The two of them were staring and grinning at each other, and then Raistlin said, "It is SO damn good to have YOU back."

Aebudae's right eyebrow raised just a bit at that comment and replied, "Thank you. I really appreciate it."

The import of the comment was not missed by Dave, nor Gunforsax, who caught the nuance through both the words spoken and through the bond with Dave. Interestingly, it was a reaction of both outrage and humor that came through the link. The small grin on Dave's face told Gunforsax that there was nothing really to be concerned with.

The morning began to pass quickly as Raistlin grilled Aebudae about his activities since leaving, but Aebudae managed to share very little while somehow seeming to provide enough to satisfy Raistlin's curiosity. The conversation ranged over many subjects, and finally settled on what to do about things in Verdite.

Aebudae spoke to Raistlin. "Raistlin, I will need to stay here and get things back up to par." He gave an amused look at Dave who just shot him an annoyed look. "I was wondering if I could count on you to look into something for me in Ralugo?"

Raistlin paused and looked thoughtful, but his eyebrows began to slowly deepen. "I had hoped to go looking for Shadow Knight, to find out what happened to him, why he didn't return to get me. What is happening in Ralugo that is so important?"

"Word came in earlier this morning. There are forces of creatures that are gathering in the hills around Ralugo. The statue in front of the Inn was defaced again. Some of the farmers around there have had their entire crops burned out."

Khuspusare suddenly had the Knowing come upon him, that his path lay in going to this place called Ralugo. His dream last night and the description by Aebudae confirmed it. "I will accompany you there, friend Raistlin."

Gunforsax took a quick and deep look at his cousin and was met by Khuspusare's return gaze. "You path lies elsewhere, cousin."

Gunforsax started at that. "What do you mean by that?"

"I had a dream last night, a foretelling. I saw a desecrated statue and a burning Inn. You were not in the dream. This is my path. "

"But I have always been in your foretellings. What do you have for me?"

"He may not have anything, but I have a need for your assistance, Gunforsax." Dave's voice was quiet and firm. Gunforsax had his own emotions swirling in him. Never had there been a foretelling by Khuspusare where he was not present. He was sure they would always be together. Now, it appeared they were destined to separate. He did not like this. Dave felt the turmoil. There was nothing he wanted to do more right now than to convince Gunforsax of his need for him. But he had to let whatever was happening play itself out. His seed was planted. He had to wait for it to grow.


After almost an hour of talking, Gunforsax grudgingly agreed to let Khuspusare go to Ralugo with an equally grumbling Raistlin, with the codicil that once the issue in Ralugo was resolved, Raistlin was free to go hunting his friend. Gunforsax also agreed to accompany Dave to Lea Monde after Khuspusare pointed out how early into the bond they were and how they needed to remain close for a while longer. The curse lying hidden would also be easier to address when they were together rather than separated by a vast distance.

Aebudae had retired to the kitchen to find out 'how badly Dave and Pekoe had ruined my ovens' and to prepare the days meals.

Dave was ready to go on his voyage and led Gunforsax downstairs into the cellar. They disappeared together in a flash of light. The plan for Raistlin and Khuspusare was to leave on the morning, but the arrival of a messenger out of breath stating that Ralugo was under direct attack sent Aebudae, Raistlin and Khuspusare into the cellar. Aebudae returned moments later to the main room and set about cleaning the room and replacing the candles and oil in preparation for tonight's crowd.



The quiet town of Ralugo became a battlezone as the sun went down. The creatures came swarming over the surrounding hills, wielding wood clubs, teeth and claws, most of them reeking of death and decay. The town would have been overrun but for two factors: The 2 squads of soldiers recently stationed here and the brown-haired woman who came running into the town right in front of the advancing horde, keeping them at bay by hurling bolt after bolt of fire at them.

The creatures themselves were new and unfamiliar. Looking like a large muscular dog whose back legs were smaller than their forelegs, and having a face that was a cross between a dog and a cat, the 4 clawed feet carved the earth and slashed hard wood trees in half. They loped forward at a rapid pace and had almost overrun the woman as she burst into the edges of town when a flying fireball with birds wings streaked in and spewed forth a fan of flames which caused the dog-things to yowl and yelp in pain. They continued to burn long after the flames had diminished. It was this racket of flames and yelping that called the soldiers and towns people to action in time to create a front against the creatures.

Brismit and Thimothy had just finished work and were getting set for a nice meal when the sounds of battle came across the green. They rushed out, grabbing their swords, and ran to the noise. They saw the woman stumble and fall. Several of the creatures jumped over the dissipating wall of flame and tried to pounce on their prey. Thimothy neared the woman first and spoke a word. As the dog-things approached within 2 of their strides of the woman, a rolling wave of earth passed outward from Thimothy towards the dog-things. As it passed underneath them, they lost their footing and were hurled back several feet. 2 soldiers with pikes arrived and the four men formed a circle around the woman and were met with teeth and claws.

The fighting went on as more people joined in. Thimothy was shouting orders and the soldiers were obeying. Brismit hacked and slew many, and caught one talon across his chest. Every so often, a word came to his lips and a bolt of lightning came from out of a cloudless sky to blast his opponent. As soon as they had a solid wall formed to hold back the advancing horde, the cracking of a whip sounded and a huge man-shaped creature strode around the corner of the hedgewall in the Northeast region of town, snarling through 2 large tusks and barking commands at the dog-things while cracking the whip. The dog-things shied away from the whip and ran forward towards the wall of men and women.

Back and forth, the dogs were repelled only to be driven forward by the Whipmaster. Another Whipmaster appeared, then another. The bodies began to mount, mostly the dogs, but soon fatigue and sheer numbers began to take their toll. The humans had to fall back.

The woman, who had passed out as she had fallen, had revived and stepped forward. Taking the staff she held, she slammed it into the earth and seemed to focus on the first Whipmaster. From out of nowhere, several columns of reddish fire appeared all around the tall ogreish creature. At first it was startled, but then it laughed, as it perceived the deadly fire was not going to touch him.

The woman then twisted both of her hands on the staff, the left in a clockwise motion, the right in a counterclockwise position. And the columns of fire contracted around the Whipmaster. It stopped laughing and howled as the columns touched and seared its flesh. As the columns came together, an explosion shook the area. Both of the new Whipmasters were knocked off their feet and many of the dogs were killed or badly burned. Many of the dogs managed to escape past the two fallen Whipmasters before they were able to get some of the animals back under control, but the attack had been broken. The humans ran forward and began to push back the dogs. Within moments, the attackers were retreating.

And then word arrived that the lava flow was rising and there were creatures within the lava. And from the Southeast there were flying creatures coming in.

Throughout the rest of the night and into the next day, battles came and went. Although their numbers were dwindling, the defenders held their town. They had to retreat to the Inn in the middle of town, which had become the hospital. Healing herbs and potions were quickly dwindling and were being used sparingly.

Fortunately, the Lava Creatures never went far from the lava, but they were splashing Lava up onto the ground towards the Inn in an attempt to be able to get closer. They were large worms with paddled feet in the front to act as fins and could be used as legs. Water was the main weapon against them, but the well was rapidly getting lower. The Harpies were few, but their ability to scratch people and turn them into stone was deadly and all too accurate. Arrows barely scratched them but a decent pike thrust was very effective.

And in the middle of the day, while fighting off more dogs and Harpy's, Raistlin and Khuspusare arrived. They appeared in a room of the inn, startling the people recuperating. They asked around and got the gist of what was happening. Going outside, they could see the battle and the Harpies making a large dent in one front, where the dogs were now breaking through.

Khuspusare wasted no time. He grabbed a short blue marble rod from his belt and told Raistlin to protect him. He then began to chant with his eyes closed. Raistlin immediately felt power gathering around him, the air growing cooler and quickly become full of moisture. Around Khuspusare and above him, mist and clouds immediately began to form. The wind picked up and the clouds expanded. The rod began to pulse in a shimmering effect that began to obscure the lines of Khuspusare's hand.

In seconds, the sunny day had become cloud filled and flashes of light coursed through them. Raindrops began to fall and the wind began to blow loose items along the ground. The Harpy's turned and flew almost as one towards the Inn, but the rain and wind soon was too much for them. The Lava Worms were quickly retreating back into the Lava, not liking even the smallest touch of the falling rain. The dogs couldn't hear the cracking whips and were growing confused. And then the lightning began to fall among them. Explosions and dog parts flew everywhere. Blood was quickly diluted by rain, and the Harpy's became grounded, flapping and fumbling around. The humans near them took advantage of the opportunity and moved to kill them.

For the next half-hour, the storm persisted and Raistlin just stood near Khuspusare getting drenched. But he watched a pitched battle going badly for the citizens of Ralugo turn into a rout for the attacking hordes. And all because of one man creating and maintaining a storm.



The room hummed and thrummed with a sense of the life and power that surrounded it. With a flash of light, 2 new occupants suddenly filled to room. Dave and Gunforsax let go of each other and looked around the room. As expected, Dave had appeared in the Worker's Breakroom. He had rekeyed the teleport circle to this location on purpose. He turned to Gunforsax, who was busy checking his weapons and pack, getting settled and ready for combat. He paused as he sensed Dave wanting to talk to him.

"Gunforsax, there is something we need to do first before proceeding any farther into the city. And I need to explain something to you about myself."

Gunforsax sensed Dave's need to talk, so he paused to listen.

Dave gave a heavy sigh. "You really set yourself up for a lot of trouble when you bonded to me. And now you get to find out something else about me. I do more than walk worlds, Gunforsax. I actually police them. I have been called to monitor and watch over specific worlds to maintain a certain balance. And in order for me to proceed any farther, I have to obtain some very privileged information. And I cannot leave you alone here, so you must come with me. If it weren't for the bond, I wouldn't be telling you this at all, but I know you would have it out of me sooner or later. And I choose sooner."

Gunforsax just stared at his bonded-brother. "So, tell me."

Dave looked at him, but tested the bond first. Gunforsax felt calm and curious.

Dave said, "OK."

Then he turned towards the wall and said, "Arch".

A strange archway appeared out of thin air, with what looked like a door of some kind. Dave walked over to it and began to punch some buttons on the wall of the arch. A beeping sound occurred with each hit, and suddenly the wall of the doorway split and opened with a strange humming sound, revealing a corridor beyond. The two pieces of wall/door had slid into the walls to each side.

Dave had been monitoring Gunforsax's response and a strong sense of intrigue ran through Gunny's emotions.

"The area beyond will take some explaining, but this is where we must go first. Please follow me." Dave then stepped across the doorway but stopped and looked at Gunforsax. It only took a moment, but Gunforsax followed Dave across the threshold and into the corridor. The doors then shut behind them.

"Welcome to my real home."

Dave walked purposely down the corridor and entered the first side corridor to the left. He then entered the first door on the left. Gunforsax followed, taking in the strangely crafted walls and the carpeted floor.

As Dave approached the door it automatically slid open. He entered. "Computer, activate EMH and SCH."

Two people were standing in the room as Gunforsax entered, one a balding man in a blue uniform of some kind, the other a lovely woman in a one piece outfit that hugged her body, with dark curly hair and a serene look on her face.

"Doctor, Troi, this is Gunforsax. He will have limited access for now but he has bonded with me in a way I would like analyzed. Also Doctor, I have a serum I want derived from this plant. I already have a sample of the serum made in Verdite here also, so tell me whether you can duplicate it." Dave had been opening his pack and taking several things out. "And, Gunforsax, this is the Doctor and the lady here is Deanna Troi. She is the Ships Counselor."

The Doctor cocked his head and said, "Hello Sir. Welcome to 'Just do the work I tell you to or else'. " He took Dave's plants and the vial of red liquid. "I'll begin analyzing these at once, sahib." He back out of the area, using hand motions to his forehead as he went.

The woman stepped up and offered her hand to Gunforsax. With her soft lilting voice she said, "Welcome on board Gunforsax. I am Deanna." Gunforsax took her hand and bowed his head to it, then released it.

"I thank you, Lady Deanna, for your most gracious welcome."

Deanna smiled and looked at Dave. "I think I like that you are traveling with him. You might learn something." Dave just grinned and shook slightly with the restrained chuckling he was having.

Dave spoke to Deanna. "Would you please access the Doctors diagnostic program to run a scan on us. I want him to have basic info to review regarding our conditions." Deanna nodded, looked at the wall for a moment, then walked over to the table and took a group of small items to another table.

"Gunforsax, please lay down on the table over there. It will help her to examine us to determine our health condition."

Gunforsax frowned but he felt Dave's encouragement through the bond and proceeded over to the table. Dave followed and waited his turn.


The conversation was simple, and Gunforsax submitted himself to every test asked of him. Especially the ones that helped to identify the energy field manifesting itself in his brain, what Dave called the Curse. The scans also revealed elevated neural activity in Dave that matched the same activity in Gunforsax. The doctor was at a loss to be able to explain it, as he usually was where magical effects were involved. But he could confirm the existence and that it seemed to be tied to the increased neural activity in some way. He had no ideas as to how to release it, however.

Dave then took Gunforsax on a tour, explaining that this place was actually a very small 'pocket' world, like the ones world walkers traversed but so small that people would have to bee looking for it specifically to even have a small chance of finding it. And since most world walking was random, and did not use security features to block entering, it was unlikely anyone would ever find this place.

Dave had set it up in a way that allowed him to access a lot of important information about the worlds he had traversed and the activity of specific individuals and places. He took Gunforsax to a couple of 'holodecks' where he was watching things. One was of the Verdite Inn and Gunforsax was astounded at the ability to walk through walls and tables and even people and not have anyone notice. It was both unnerving and fascinating.

Dave also explained how they would have to rest here for a few hours, since he needed to go through a lot of information before leaving. He hoped to understand more about Lord Darkman and Callo's leaving and what happened when they came to Lea Monde, as well as how the magic in Verdite has dissipated.

In the meantime, Deanna came by and took Gunforsax on another tour, showing him the various activity and training centers, where Gunforsax found a sparring partner who left him breathless and bone weary. He loved it and felt he had worked out many kinks that had gotten rusty in his battle readiness. He still needed more work, but in this place, he got the workout at his level of ability and came away feeling better than he had in years.

And then he met Shingatuchik. The broad shouldered and dark skinned warrior put Gunforsax on defense immediately, due to the intense sense of danger he exuded. This was a man who knew battle and how to kill, easily. The calm demeanor and stance of a coiled snake ready to strike was familiar to Gunforsax, and he knew this was a man he could respect. It was actually after the sparring match that Shingatuchik appeared. He walked up to Gunforsax, standing barely a finger width shorter and stared into Gunforsax's eyes, which was returned. For a time, the two just stood like this until Shingatuchik nodded once. Then he said, "You are brother to Dave." Both a statement and question.

Gunforsax nodded once. Shingatuchik raised a fist and struck his own bare chest. "Shingatuchik".

Gunforsax replied the same way. "Gunforsax."

"I am blood brother to Dave for 3 winters. His life is mine, and mine is his. We walk the spirit paths together."

Gunforsax thought about that for a moment. "I am bond-brother by the power of my Gods to Dave. We share a spirit bond of my Gods. We know each other's hearts and minds. I have never walked the worlds before. I will learn of this from Dave. His life is mine, and mine is his also."

Shingatuchik paused for a moment, then nodded once. "Come."

Gunforsax followed Shingatuchik up some stairs to another level and they entered another room.

It appeared to be another holodeck of an enclosed wilderness environment. It was quite large and there was a lake and stream, some low hills and even some small and medium animal life.

Shingatuchik faced Gunforsax. "This place is real, not unreal."

Gunforsax was astounded at that. How could someone enclose an area equivalent to an entire kingdom? Yet here it was, before his own eyes.

He and Shingatuchik walked around a bit until Gunforsax spotted a white tiger lounging across the small stream, sunning itself. Shingatuchik stepped to Gunforsax's side and said, "Shiarra. She is real. She is for Dave."

Later he asked Dave about Shiarra and felt an explosion of emotions for the tiger. The oddest one of all was love. Not the love of a pet, but the love one has for a lover or wife. Dave explained, while shooting a dirty look to Shingatuchik, "She can change her shape. She prefers the tiger form most of the time."

They slept through the night and in the morning, Dave brought Gunforsax in to answer more questions. He was concerned about how the man would take such a technologically advanced environment, but Gunforsax seemed to take it in stride. Apparently, the towers he and Khuspusare went to for their early studies had many magical marvels found no where else in his world. This was just another type of magic to Gunforsax.

Dave reviewed the data he had uncovered and related the following to Gunforsax.

"The first thing I found is that the magic of Verdite did not disappear. It appears to have been siphoned off. For what purpose I don't know yet, but both Melanat and that new ghost city in the south both have something to do with it. I've already sent that info to Aebudae.

"I backtracked Lord Darkman before he came to the inn and he was being hunted by someone who was VERY good. So much so that even the few times I caught a glimpse of him, he was so obscured as to be totally unrecognizable. I think he even managed to enter the Inn and do something to Lord Darkman while he was recuperating. But why a hunter would not kill him once he found him in the most vulnerable state he could is confusing.

"I tracked Callo and Merlose to Lea Monde and for some reason, I lost them. That should not have been possible, since I am the Lord of Lea Monde and all its legacy of power, but somehow it did. I can think of only one possibility, and it is pretty slim. A man called Guildenstern tried to take the power of Lea Monde and I beat him. He somehow came back and attacked Verdite some time later, but again, I was sure I destroyed him. But now, with the obscuring of my ability to view events in Lea Monde, only someone who had the power could do that. It is slim, but I think I cannot just toss this one away.

"Lastly, Ilora entered Lea Monde and I followed her activity without any problem. That alone says that something was interfering with my ability to view Lord D and Callo. I think it must have been that obscured hunter. He did something to Lord D and that followed him into Lea monde, obscuring his actions while in Lea Monde. And since only someone with the power of Lea Monde could do that IN Lea Monde, that same person must be Guildenstern. So I think my old adversary is still around and up to something. And I am willing to bet it is somehow tied to Melanat and the ghost city. Draining Verdite of power is exactly what he was trying to accomplish to become alive again."

Dave paused a moment.

"One more thing about Ilora. She died weeks ago. A horrible death. She now walks Lea Monde as one of the undead."

"However, I am not about to let that stay that way."

Gunforsax looked at Dave and felt the steel will and desire in his heart. "It is best to let the dead stay dead. A merciful end to the body's existence will be enough."

Dave looked at Gunforsax. "Not while it is within my ability to prevent her from having died in the first place."


"So, Doctor, what is the word?"

Dave and Gunforsax walked into Sickbay after the Doctor had called for him. The Doctor turned around at their entry and completed putting several short arrows into a hip pouch.

"The formula you brought in has those magical qualities I cannot replicate. However, the molecule was very simple to grow and by combining it with some of the original formula, the new batch took on the qualities of the magical formula. I have prepared the darts as you requested." He held forth two of the foot long pouches.

"That is wonderful, Doctor. Thank you again. Now, just one more stop and we can go to Lea Monde."


Dave tried to explain what Stellar Cartography meant, but the concept of space was too much for Gunforsax. So Dave downshifted to speaking in magical terminology and Gunforsax settled down. Dave knew that concepts like Relativity which seemed so basic to him were beyond Gunny's understanding. He instead explained how time could be manipulated magically but only within a short time span. The amount of power necessary to overcome long periods of time would destroy even the most powerful of mages. So, they could make a 'short' trip back a few weeks to Lea Monde and make a few changes. But it was a one way trip for them and they would have to live the last 2 weeks over again. They would stay in Lea Monde to keep matters from becoming unbalanced, like returning to the Inn before they even arrived there the first time. Gunforsax frowned at that one and Dave let it go. That was enough for the man for now.

Dave manipulated the controls and with the help of the Computer, arranged the best conditions to create the time jump. Dave explained that magic would play a big part since magic could suspend the normal laws that held a world in order. But the technical part had to be known to make the magic more effective.

That done, they returned to the Holodeck from which they had first emerged. They entered and the Arch faded. Dave sifted some kind of powder over the blue magic circle on the floor, stood 5 candles evenly around the circle and lit them. He then had Gunforsax stand back-to-back to him as he chanted for several minutes. He elbowed Gunforsax, the sign to get ready, and then the light flashed in a rainbow of colors and the world went spinning round and round.


Ilora awoke to the sounds of metal armor clanking loudly. She was shivering and immediately knew she was too cold, too close to letting go of life. She paused long enough to discern that the clanking was approaching her position. And there were several sources. Knowing her energy and life was just about gone and she could provide little resistance, she still tried to stand and prepare a light arrow to fire. It fell from her numb fingers as she struggled to rise, and she failed that also. Suddenly, her head was jerked back by fingers entwined in her hair and was hauled over the boxes she had been hiding behind. She dropped the Elchris bow and tried to struggle, but all strength left her, as she suddenly knew she could not hope to fight off any of the creatures. She lost all strength and will to fight, and she gave herself over to death.

The bony hand in her hair were joined by others that grabbed arms and legs, dragging her to her feet. Surrounded by at least three of the creatures, eyes glowing with a deep reddish glow, Ilora chose one final act of defiance, the only one she could. She spit in the eye of one of the skeletons.

It took a moment for her to register shock at watching the head of the skeleton jerk back as her spit hit home. The hands from the creature let go of her, and she stared as the body sailed away from her and into a heap. The one to her right jerked, distracting her from the sailing bones, and she turned and saw the head and helmet of the creature go flying in different directions as the body began to tremble. A second later and it's grip on Ilora also faltered, then failed as the bones crumbled and fell apart.

It was then that Ilora became aware of the presence of 2 men, one of which had now grabbed her and was peeling off the bones gripping her arm. He was big and muscular, and quite intent on his task. Her right arm was now free, so almost without thought, she raised it and slammed it backwards into the helmet of the skeleton holding her. It really didn't do anything and she probably felt much more pain than the creature did, but the muscular man seemed to gain in the moment after that and kicked the creature back. He also turned and caught Ilora as she began to fall, since her legs would not support her. She sensed the other one follow the skeleton and heard a familiar sound of bones being crushed by several blows. She was very gently placed on one of the crates and held in place as the man appeared to examine her. She looked up, shivering and saw a very broad face with a few scars, mostly hidden beneath a bronzed skin.

She couldn't remember anything looking so good. And then darkness claimed her again.


It was the warmth returning to her feet that woke her next.

The prickly pain was intolerable, yet clearly welcome and wonderful too. The blanket she was in seemed sticky against her skin, but it also seemed to be pushing warmth into her entire body, soothing and comforting her. Something was placed against her lips and she heard someone say to drink. She did swallow and pleasure erupted on her tongue and down her throat. She then tried to drink all the warm liquid she could get, but the flask was withdrawn, leaving her whimpering, pleading for 'more, please'.

"Not right now, lady. Let what you have taken work in you, then you can have more later."

She didn't like that answer, but the strong arms kept her in place and soon she was drifting into sleep, not darkness.


"We wait for Ilora, and until she can at least walk, before we go on."

Ilora knew that voice, but couldn't place it. She had slowly drifted up out of her sleep, loving the dreamy lassitude that pre-wakefulness could bring. She knew she had something to do, but she was feeling too wonderful to care what it was.

Until Dave's voice brought her to wakefulness.

"Dave? Izzat you?"

Someone moved closer and a hand rested on her shoulder. "Welcome back, pretty lady. We almost lost you there."

She puzzled over Dave being here, and kept trying to remember what was so important. "How did you find me?"

"I am Lord of Lea Monde. I can find anything here I set my mind to find."

"Mmmmm." Ilora was hazy still, and wanted to clear her head.

"Ilora, can you take in some more healing potion? You really need it right now."

The drink! She quickly agreed and was allowed to drain the remaining fluid from the bottle. The flavor seemed less savory as it did prior, but it still was wonderful. And soon she fell asleep again.


"I'm going with you and that is final!" Ilora was doing her best to be stubborn, but it was taking every ounce of her limited strength to stand with arms crossed, glaring defiantly at Dave. Dave stood looking at her, and then cocked his head, raising his right eyebrow, and proceeded to stare her down. Damn, but she hated when he did that. She knew he would out last her, so she had to give in before she fell down. She relaxed her arms enough to help her sit back down on the edge of the bed, just in time. She looked back up at Dave and said, 'Alright. So I would just be a hindrance more than an asset. You win. But you had better bring them back in one piece."

Dave smiled and said, " It is my intent. I had something special for them. It should be enough to knock them out for hours without hurting them." He knelt and looked her intently in the face. "Callo came to Verdite because of my request. I intend to make sure it was not a bad decision for her."

Ilora glared at him because she had no other way of releasing her frustration, her sense of helplessness. "You had better", she growled.

Dave stood up and said, " I will lock up behind us. No one can get in unless you let them in."

He turned and walked to the door. "And one more thing. Do NOT open the door for Callo or Lord Darkman if they show up here alone or without me. They are very dangerous right now and they will kill you if you let them in."

Ilora lay back down on the bed and closed her eyes. She was trembling, both from weakness and the thought that her friend Callo had become something evil and vile. She fell asleep after hearing Dave and Gunforsax leave and lock the door behind them, tears streaming down her face.


The knocking at her window aroused her, and in a fugue-like state, she slowly made her way to the shuttered window. She pulled open the window and unlatched the shutters, opening them to a moonlit night. A fog had arisen and immediately began to float into the room. Ilora looked around on the walkway outside the window and saw nothing. She frowned a bit, remembered Dave's warning not to open anything for any reason, then quickly shut and latched the shutters, and shut and latched the windows. She began to make her way to the bed and stumbled on a thick rug.

"Oh, Ilora, are you not well. I was so glad to find you had come for me and look at you, you poor dear." The voice of Callo Merlose softly reached Ilora, and although immediately tense and shocked to hear it, she was also elated to know that Dave had apparently brought her back very quickly and her friend was sitting by, waiting for her. As she searched the darkened room for the source of the voice, a strange buzzing began in her head, making it hard to think straight.

She saw a form outlined in the darkness, pale in color and dress, the figure approached her and helped her to her feet. Cool but strong hands lifted her up and helped her towards the bed. Ilora tried to speak but at the first touch of her friend, a warm sensation washed over her, not unlike sexual arousal. It filled her and caused her legs to go weak, but she was upheld by Callo. She thought she heard someone else in the room, perhaps the sound of a chain, but she soon lost her train of thought as she made it to the bed and was gently seated on it, with Callo sitting next to her. Ilora had noticed a strange musky scent coming from Callo, and it thrilled her and excited her. Yet she also felt the contractions in her stomach signaling a desire to vomit.

"My poor friend, you endured so much to come after me and you almost died for it." Small, sweet kisses fell on her forehead and eyes, her nose and one on her lips, which she tried to return. She wanted to both push away and embrace her friend, but her arms were limp and useless. She felt herself responding to the kisses, and slowly arched her head backwards. "You deserve all my love and honor, and you deserve to live forever for such friendship and bravery. My sweet Ilora."

The breath on her neck was cool, and the small kiss that touched her throat expanded as Callo pressed her lips and teeth against Ilora's skin.



The darts hit Callo simultaneously in the back. She screamed and threw Ilora to the floor. She whirled and suddenly light exploded in her face, blinding her momentarily.

Dave looked at the creature that had been and was Callo Merlose. The softly flowing dress of a silver satin skirt and silvered gauze bodice was layered with blackened leather. The bronzed, hale skin was a soft white, with golden undertones. Her hair, once black and utilitarian in cut, was now flowing tresses that accentuated the feminine face and figure. Dave had once thought of Callo as a lovely woman.

She was now a gorgeous and beautiful woman. And ten times as deadly. For Dave saw the Rood Inverse upon her left breast and it glowed with a deep purple, unholy light.

Dave did not hesitate. He finished reloading and with Gunforsax sending confirmation through the bond, they fired again. Both darts hit her square in the breast, right near her heart.

A feral scream came from the right as a hairy creature with a collar attacked. Gunforsax caught the creature as it came and tried to throw it but was himself hurled aside with ease. The creature then came at Dave, clawed hands and feet reaching for him. As Dave hit the jeweled necklace at his throat, he who had been Lord Darkman landed on Dave and slammed his claws into Dave's throat, trying to rip it apart.

As soon as he had landed though, he was hurled back by a pulse of force and against the far wall. Dave could tell Gunforsax was shocked and angry, but could feel the resolve of the man strengthen through the bond.

"So, Beloved. You come to kill and destroy me?" Callo stood looking at Dave as she dropped first one then the other dart that had been in her chest.

Gunforsax had risen and moved to intercept the man-creature that had gone flying off of Dave, and had unsheathed the unique sword Dave had given him, one made of a dark brown wood that retained it's edge even after he had struck it hard against metal several times.

Dave simply stood there, his own wooden sword unsheathed, his dart gun now dangling from his belt, and took in the woman before him. "Nice outfit. A little too revealing and it looks terribly cold, but still, it suits you. Kill you? No. I just wanted to put you in a more agreeable frame of mind."

Callo, stepped sensuously forward, her hands on her thighs, slowly drawing up them to her waist. "And you do this by shooting darts at me, drawing blood and perhaps scarring me for life?"

A roar shook the room as Gunforsax and the man-creature fought. Callo focused solely on Dave and Dave on Callo. However, Dave was beginning to feel the effects of Callo's scent, and bit down on the wad of cloth in his mouth. He breathed out a little and immediately hated both the foul taste and smell that came out, but it also kept the cloying scent of Callo from working its full effects on him.

Callo stepped closer again, and again. "Am I now so repulsive that you must destroy such beauty?" A sly smile formed at the edge of her mouth.

Dave stepped backwards once. "I came not to destroy, but to set you free." Dave raised an eyebrow. "Surely you don't think that I am so foolish as to believe that those little darts alone could stop you?" Dave returned her sly smile with a lopsided grin.

Callo stopped and stared at Dave. And then her eyes began to dart back and forth, a small frown creased her eyebrows. "What did you do?"

Gunforsax and the man-creature crashed out into the hallway, both bleeding from scratches and cuts and still fighting.

Dave took another step back. "I figured that you had suffered Lord Darkman's fate but also came under the influence of Lea Monde's Darker Magics. Nice tattoo, by the way. I knew that if you survived that, you were going to be quite formidable. So, I added a little concoction to those darts. They were hollow, by the way, and injected you with a serum I had made that will help you to become more manageable."

Callo was visibly trembling now, and the Rood Inverse seemed to dim and flux into a green color on her chest. Callo reached for something to steady herself, found nothing within reach, and fell to her knees. "What IS it?"

Dave kept his distance. "A hope for you Callo. Something that may very well cure you and bring you back to life."

Callo fell to her side and began to show signs of going through a seizure. "No. Don't let this happen. Please, Beloved. Do not do this to me."

Dave knelt where he was. "Sorry Callo. There is no other safe way for this to happen. And you must not remain the creature you have become."

Ilora's head had cleared enough for her to take in what was happening. Seeing the body of Callo shaking and beginning to drool, with blood on her bodice, awoke the fire of anger in her. While she knew that a moment ago Callo had been trying to drink her blood, she still could not stand to see her friend in such a state. She rose to her knees and started crawling towards Merlose.

Dave saw it and barked at Ilora. "Ilora. Stay where you are."

Ilora shot Dave a dirty look and crawled over to the side of her friend. She had no sooner touched her than Callo shot up, grabbed Ilora and swung her in between Dave and herself. Her fingernails had become long dagger-like claws and she held her shaking hand against Ilora's exposed throat, in a claw-like shape, ready to sink her talons into the exposed flesh. Ilora was still too weak, although she did have her right hand grasping Callo's wrist. But her friends strength seemed impossibly great.

"Give…..give me … the anti…dote to this." Callo stammered on each syllable. "Or … else … little …. Ilora ….will ….die." Callo's eyes were wild, yet glassy. Dave knew the full effects of the drug were minutes away, so Ilora was in real danger. So long as Callo retained any control, she was still deadly.

"Callo, that is the antidote to your condition. There isn't anything to make you the way you are. Killing your friend Ilora will be for nothing. Please let her go."

Another crash sounded and Gunforsax came sailing through the wall and onto the edge of the bed. It was enough that even Callo ducked, but Dave did not have time to get to Callo. The man-creature came sailing into the room on a beeline for Dave.

"My pet. Slaughter….. slaughter them. Feast on……them." Callo's words were quick and loud enough to be heard, and the creature dove at Dave, a wild toothy grin across it's face as it made a final bound towards Dave. Dave barely moved and let the momentum of the creature impale itself on his sword. Another feral and pain-filled scream rent the room and Dave was suddenly being clawed and scratched at by the wild man. The Amulet at his neck still had a barrier up that prevented the clawing from striking and the creatures strength, even in what was clearly death throes, was tremendous. Yet it did slowly weaken and slowly stop clawing at Dave, until if fell mewling like a little kitten, grabbing at the sword piercing it's chest.

Dave pushed it off him and looked towards Callo, who had now fallen into a heavy convulsive fit, with Ilora bleeding from scratches but not gouges in her neck. Gunforsax was slowly getting up, shaking his head and trying to steady his breath. He looked up at Dave, breathing heavily, and said, "Piece of cake."


Ilora sat next to the body of Callo Merlose, whose skin had gone to a gray tone reminiscent of the dead, and was now only trembling, as if with a severe fever or cold. She held her friend's head in her lap, and had removed the darts from her back.

Dave had helped Gunforsax up and they approached the wild man, which was slowly transforming into a semblance of a man. Gunforsax looked at Dave and felt the emotions within him through the bond. "You knew him. You considered him a friend."

Dave nodded. "Yes. I always feared this moment would come, but I had hoped it would not. I just wish…" Dave started, his eyes darting to his sword which was still piercing the mans chest. It started wobbling as the body began to dissolve into a green mist. It flowed in the air for a moment, then began to surround the still form of the man. Another color, yellowish-white, began to swirl through the colors and the two condensed into a small ball of flickering white-gold light, which flew up and out through the window. The sword fell to the ground in a clatter of noise. Gunforsax could read the shock of Dave through the bond and the hope that suddenly flared there too.

Dave turned to Gunforsax. "I was about to say that my friend, Lord Darkman, was dead. And he is. But what that was …."


"But why not take her there? After what I saw…."

"The answer is no. I cannot risk bringing her there. And please don’t bring that place up unless we are totally alone. I don’t need to try and explain something I cannot tell anyone about." The terseness in Dave's voice was superceded only by the irritation and anger coming through the bond. Gunforsax decided to leave it alone.

As it was, Dave had brought out an unusual looking stick with a clear white Gem, centered in the 'y' connection of the golden wood and had gathered them all to one of the teleport Circles. He gripped the handle firmly and the 4-sided gem flared white as they disappeared from the room in Lea Monde and re-appeared into a crystal room that seemed to glow with light. A Crystal object in front of them held a large 4-shaped stone object with another clear white gem in it, but this one was much larger. Dave carried Merlose to a bed draped with sheer fabrics. As he lay her down, Gunforsax held Ilora up and walked her over to her own bed. The smooth sheets slid aside as she sat and then lay down. Dave had given her something an hour ago and she had been groggy ever since. She settled in and Gunforsax covered her. Surprisingly, the sheer sheets made seeing her form impossible beneath them. Ilora smiled and snuggled into the pillows, curling up and going still very quickly. Gunforsax smiled himself and turned to see Dave trying to get Callo under the covers also. But Callo, as drugged as she was, was struggling against being put under the sheets. Gunforsax came over and took control of the sheets while Dave grabbed the arms and legs. Gunforsax covered both of them and Dave slid out, putting his hand over her eyes and forehead and chanting something over and over. Eventually, Callo settled down, but her skin seemed to move to a darker gray tone. The room was full of light and Callo seemed to be totally out of place, whereas the rest of them seemed to fit right in.

Gunforsax took in the room, then turned to Dave. "Where is this?"

Dave continued to gently stroke Callo's forehead, while still humming under his breath. "It's a safe room. Help will arrive soon." Gunforsax spotted a decanter of clear crystal and some cups of similar material. An effervescent liquid was within, and it's scent reminded Gunforsax of a sparkling wine from back home. He poured some and tried it. Dry and yet fruity, the wine was delicious. He looked at Dave and felt Dave's desire raise at the sight of it. He poured a cup for him and brought it to him. Dave nodded and thanked him.

They settled down and waited.

Gunforsax had been dozing when he realized Dave was talking to someone. Gunforsax looked and saw Aebudae standing next to the bed, leaning forward a bit as he looked at Callo. Dave was still leaning against the headboard, Callo laying next to him, his hand still stroking her head and the chant still audible, if somewhat weaker.

"I agree, but you must get some sleep. Let me get some things settled back at the inn and I will return within the hour to relieve you."

Dave nodded to Aebudae and kept on chanting. Gunforsax rose and walked over. "Sorry to interrupt but is there a chamberpot?" Dave looked up at Aebudae, who then turned and offered to show him the place. Aebudae returned first after touching one of the walls, which then opened, and the two walked into the new area.

Aebudae walked past the bed with Dave and Callo, and said, "I'll return soon." Dave nodded as Aebudae stepped onto the circular symbol etched into the floor in front of the 4-side Gem Pedestal and disappeared. Gunforsax returned with some food on a platter, and set to eating.



Domo had had enough of Melanat. Sure, he had survived the storm and washed up on it's shores, only to have to struggle and fight every minute of every day for his life. Sure, he had managed not only survival, but had grown lean and fighting fit, and also grown in his abilities with magic. He liked the fire spells, in that they kept him warm in a very cold place and they kept the creatures here VERY warm also, but he found he liked the lightning spell best. Sure he had just about cleared the island of all creatures. Sure every survivor of the big storm and earthquakes around the island now looked to him as if he were their savior or something.

But he still had had enough. And the last earthquake dropping him down into the recesses of the Big Mine and into more trouble was the last straw. His skull pounded despite the healing liquid he had just drank. That was not good. He tried summoning a healing spell and focused it on his skull. The effect was extremely painful, and he felt something go 'pop' in his head, and then the pain diminished appreciably.

He realized he had cried out at the pain despite trying not to, and saw the demonspawn all look up at his ledge above them. He had been fortunate to land on this rocky ledge and not into the middle of the hundreds of creatures below. He might have become their dinner had not the ledge broke his fall.

And now, after having been fortunate to have not been seen, many of the creatures were now staring intently at his ledge.


Although the lighting was dim this far down, there was some torch light below, and it only served to illuminate the terrors awaiting him. The creatures were actually sleek and beautiful in a way. They mostly crawled along, but the could rear up on those powerful hind legs and walk semi-erect like a man, but with their forelegs hanging like a mans to their sides. And the muscles and claws clearly showed them to be a predator. A long straight tail kept them balanced, but it was the long head full of teeth that gleamed that kept ones attention. The eyes were intelligent. And he had seen them toss fireballs, wind cutters, and a dark ball of energy that clearly meant they could use magic.

And there were about 200 of them below him. About one third were staring at his ledge. And some had actually begun to try and climb the treacherous rock slope. And they seemed to be making slow progress. Domo had to find somewhere else to go to soon or they might just figure out to get at him en masse.



The king was in a foul mood. The storms and earthquakes kept preventing him from calling up the fleet of ships he needed to get to Melanat to try and stem the undead horde from rising from the deep. Hundreds of the creatures kept making daily and nightly attacks. While he had successfully beat back every attack, he had lost many men who later showed up in the enemies ranks within a day or so to make some more. He knew he had to get to Melanat to stop the source of the creatures or else soon these squadrons he had brought here would be so depleted as to make it possible for the undead to gain enough 'converts' to overpower their forces. He had to get to the island. But how still eluded him.



The pounding at the door during dinner upset everyone, for with each pounding blow, a sense of dread went through the small group of diners. The guards looked to the Queen, and Lyn nodded for the door to be opened. A cloaked figure stood there, face unseen due to the hood being pulled so far forward. Slowly it entered the dining hall, slowly approaching the King's table. The only distinct feature that could be seen was what appeared to be a small figure of stone that kept poking it's head out from within the fold of the cloak.



"Are you truly an Archmage? You sure don't look like Garnabus to me."

Lynn gave the man called Brismit a dirty look and continued to chew the hot bit of meat from the stew the people gathered in Mark Johnson's hut were sharing. New lyrics about Brismit's participation flowed through her mind, and the true heroism he had shown in rescuing her could easily be told in a much more humorous manner than the somber epic that she had though of earlier. His incessant quips about her being a 'fair maiden' in need of rescue and how he, the brave knight errant, has saved her from the demon dog horde had grown irritating. She had not yet told him she was a bard.

She sat smugly, not responding to his question, busily composing in her mind. Yes, later tonight he would learn the lesson so many learned who made fun of a bard.