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Advanced Jedi Disciplines


As an obvious statement, the Jedi had more than just the Warrior, Investigator and what not, but they have more advanced, like subclasses, for most of their disciplines.  These subclasses can only be learned when a Jedi has mastered their initial discipline, look at the requirements for the Discipline and must have made it to the rank of Adept.


For the Warrior, there are two disciplines, the Battlemaster, the Sentry:


           For the Battlemaster, war is the only thing they know how to do.  These people must be careful not to get too wrapped up in the slaughter, for the Darkside will grab them at that moment of bloodlust. These are the very first to enter battle or a dangerous area and the very last ones to leave, and maybe stay to make sure nothing happens when the Jedi leaves.


     Skills: Brawling at 5D, (Ad) Jedi Martial Arts, (sp) Jedi Martial Arts: Battlemaster Martial Arts, (Ad) Lightdagger


           Control: Enhance Attribute, Jump, Calm, Enhance Skill, Force of Will, Speed

           Sense: Magnify Senses, Blind Sense

           Alter: Haste, Resonate

           Control/Sense: Anticipation, Advanced Lightsaber Combat, Daisho Combat (or) Duel Lightsaber Combat, Jedi Martial Combat, Unarmed Combat

Control/Alter: Lightsaber Mediation

Sense/Alter: Greater Force Shield, Blinding, Dim Other’ s Senses, Force Wave

           Control/Sense/Alter: Affect Mind


     Minimum: Control- 8D, Sense- 7D+2, Alter- 3D+2

     Recommended Studies:  All “Healing” powers, Enhance Coordination, Resist Stun, Remove Fatigue, Transfer Force, Battle Meditation


“For over a thousand generations the Jedi Knights have been the guardians of peace and justice in the Old Republic.” --Obi-Wan Kenobi.  The Sentry caste of the Warrior discipline is exactly that.  They are more along the lines of defenders, not aggressors.  They still have their place in the battle plans, guarding the head quarters, or in non-war times, jumping into buildings and pulling out little kids.  They are the protectors of men and most of that which is man made, as long as it has not been corrupted by the Darkside.  They are less in tuned with the art of war, but they still must be proficient.  Upon a rescue, however, it is also the job of the Sentry Jedi to calm the people down and make sure no one panics.  Being a Sentry requires a lot more time and effort than it does to be a Battlemaster as you are almost ready for your journey into being a Jedi Master, with the Council’s approval.


     Skills: Brawling at 5D, (Ad) Jedi Martial Arts, (Ad) K’thri Martial Arts


           Control: Adrenaline Adjustment, Control Kinetic Energy, Deflect Energy, Enhance Attribute, Enhance Skill, Hammerhand, Jump, Reduce Injury, Resist Stun, Speed

           Sense: Blind Sense, Danger Sense, Combat Sense, Magnify Senses, Shift Sense, Truth Sense

           Alter: Haste, Project Force, Strengthen Object

           Control/Sense: Advanced Lightsaber Combat, Farseeing, Death Sense, Jedi Martial Combat

Control/Alter:  Acc. Another’s Healing, Control Another’s Pain, Control Breathing, Lightsaber Mediation, Transfer Force

Sense/Alter: Affect Emotions, Blinding, Deflect Laser/Projectile, Dim Another’s Senses, Force Wave, Greater Force Shield, Precipitate

           Control/Sense/Alter: Doppelganger, Force Unity, Field of Defense, Mirror, Projected Fighting


     Minimum: Control- 11D+2, Sense- 11D, Alter- 7D+2

     Recommended Studies:  All “Healing” powers, Enhance Coordination, Remove Fatigue, Battle Meditation, Unarmed Combat


For the Naturalist, there are a few: Druids and Beast Master:


The Druids are one with the plants and environment.  They do not utilize the animals in the surrounding area like the Beast Master, but they are the most like the Healers then anything.  They are always ready to pull out some of their herbs and do some healing. They are usually seen carrying a staff, which may be a Lightweapon in disguise or just a staff, and they look like hermits.


     Skills: Scholar: Plant Lore, First Aid: Herbs, (sp) Melee Combat: Staff, (sp) Melee Parry: Staff, (Ad) Lightsaber


           Control: Adrenaline Adjustment, Absorb/Dissipate Energy, Heal, Meditative Trance, Regeneration, Wisdom

           Sense: Blind Sense, Direction Orientation, Direction Sense, Postcognition, Sense Element, Sense Plant, Sense Weakness

           Alter: Empower Weapon, Raise/Lower Temperature, Strengthen Object, Telekinesis

           Control/Sense: Staff Combat,

Control/Alter: Control Another’s Pain, Acc. Another’ s Healing, Detoxify Poison in Another, Heal Another, Regenerate Another, Transfer Force

Sense/Alter: Remove Force Imprint,

           Control/Sense/Alter: Force Melt, Darkside Dissipation


     Minimum: Control- 9D+1, Sense- 8D, Alter- 5D+2

     Recommended Studies:  Danger Sense, Lightsaber Combat, Predict Natural Disaster, Thermogenesis, Transmutation, Weather Control, Weather Sense


Beast Master

Beast Masters live up to what their name implies, they master the beasts.  They control them to do their fighting, and work.  Not saying the Beast Master doesn’t do any work, he protects the beasts from danger in the ways he can and guides them to a better life.  They usually live alone with their animals, perfecting how to build a Lightsaber out of wood and other organic parts.  Until they complete the arduous task of constructing an organic Lightsaber, they fight with sticks, stones, and animals.  (This is the closest to the Warrior that any aspect of the Naturalist can achieve; it should also bring the character to the rank of Master-with the Council’s approval.)


     Skills: (sp) Design: Organic Light(weapon), (sp) Construct: Organic Light(weapon), Beast Handling, Melee Combat, Melee Parry, Brawling, Brawling Parry, (Ad) Jedi Martial Arts, Thrown Weapons


           Control: Adrenaline Adjustment, A/D Energy, Biocombustion, Enhance Attribute, Hammerhand, Jump, Reduce Injury, Speed, Voice Amplification

           Sense: Blind Sense, Danger Sense, Predict Natural Disaster, Time Sense, Sense Element

           Alter: Cell Burst, Telekinesis, Empower Weapon, Project Force, Strengthen Object, Warp Matter

           Control/Sense: Acclamation, Beast Link, Farseeing, Death Sense, Jedi Martial Combat, Staff Combat

Control/Alter: Control Breathing, Control Weather, Induce Tranquility

Sense/Alter: Thermogenesis, Beast Soother, Group Mind, Lesser Force Shield, Sensory Overload

           Control/Sense/Alter: Affect Mind, Beast Rider, Beast Master, Projected Fighting


     Minimum: Control- 11D+2, Sense- 12D+1, Alter- 7D+2

     Recommended Studies:  Danger Sense, Lightsaber Combat, Predict Natural Disaster, Thermogenesis, Transmutation, Weather Control, Weather Sense


For the Investigator there are a few: Researcher, Spy:


A Researcher researches the mysteries of the Sith and other mysteries of the Force.  However, the Researcher may not be in as many duels, they are still in danger of death or falling to the Darkside.  Reading ancient Sith text can taint the soul, so the Researcher better beware.


     Skills: Scholar: Jedi Lore, Scholar: Sith Lore, (Ad) Lightsaber,


           Control: A/D Energy, Enhance Attribute, Perceptive Trance, Calculate, Cognitive Trance, Perceptive Trance, Short-Term Memory Enhancement, Speed Reading, Wisdom

           Sense: Sense Force Potential

           Alter: Light, Telekinesis, Strengthen Object, Wall Crawling

           Control/Sense: Dream, Farseeing, Mask Force Sensitivity

Sense/Alter: Remove Force Imprint, Storytelling,

           Control/Sense/Alter:  Darkside Dissipation


     Minimum: Control- 8D+1, Sense- 6D+1, Alter- 3D+1

     Recommended Studies:  Combat Sense, Cyber Sense, CyberLocke, Doppleganger, Eyes of the Eagle, Force Bolt, Force of Will, Induce Sleep, Lesser Force Shield, Lightsaber Combat, Mental Translocation, Remain Conscious, Speak with Machines




The Spy infiltrates the dark hideouts, seeking information on illegal activities and perhaps finding anything about the Sith.  The Spy can infiltrate a Sith hideout (if one exists) and pretend to be one.  The Spy is in danger of the Darkside because he is around those types of people all the time.  Many Spies have fallen because of the people around them.  This should almost bring the Jedi to the rank of Master, with the Council’s approval.


     Skills: (Ad) Lightsaber, Con, Persuasion


           Control: A/D Energy, Calm, Dim, Force of Will, Enhanced Attribute, Contort/Escape, Imitate, Short-Term Memory Enhancement, Speed Reading

           Sense: Blind Sense, Danger Sense, Direction Sense, Electronic Sense, Alert Sense, Truth Sense,

           Alter: Telekinesis, Warp Matter, Wall Crawling

           Control/Sense: Farseeing, Death Sense, Lightsaber Combat

Control/Alter: Intangibility, Control Another’s Pain, Transfer Force

Sense/Alter: Sensory Overload, Blinding, Lesser Force Shield, Storytelling,

           Control/Sense/Alter:  Force Unity, Field of Defense, Projected Fighting, Purify


     Minimum: Control- 10D+1, Sense- 10D+1, Alter- 5D+2

     Recommended Studies:  Combat Sense, Doppleganger, Eyes of the Eagle, Force Bolt, Induce Sleep, Mental Translocation, Remain Conscious, Speak with Machines