Weapons / Gear
In Delta Force Land Warrior, you will have the option of selectiong five unqiue items / weapons in addition to the standard gear of a combat knife, grenades, and laser designator(single player games only).
Sniper Rifles:
Barrett M82A1 Heavy Sniper Rifle -
Caliber: .50 BMG
Magazine: 10 round
Effective Range: 1500 meters
Accessories: 14x Scope
"The Barrett .50 Light Fifty model 82A1 is a long-range hard target interdiction weapon."
M40 Light Sniper Rifle -
Caliber: 7.62mm NATO
Magazine: 5 round
Effective Range: 800 meters
Accessories: 10x Scope
"Based on the Remington model 700, this bolt action rifle is optimized for pinpoint accuracy."
Heckler & Koch PSG-1 Light Sniper Rifle -
Caliber: 7.62mm NATO
Magazine: 20 round
Effective Range: 300 meters
Accessories: 4x Scope
"This light rifle is highly accurate, though it's range and penetration is compromised by the built-in silencer snd it's subsonic ammunition."
M249 SAW (Squad Automatic Weapon) -
Caliber: 5.56mm NATO
Magazine: 200 round box
Effective Range: 500 meters
"This hand-held light support machine gun delivers a massive amount of firepower to support infantry squad operations."
FN Mag Light Support Machine Gun -
Caliber: 7.62mm NATO
Magazine: 200 round belt
Effective Range: 500 meters
"This light support machine gun is more lethal and has greater penetratiom than the SAW, however it tends to be less accurate."
M4 Masterkey Light Assault Rifle -
Caliber: .223 Remington / 12 gauge
Magazine: 30 round / 7 shells
Effective Range: 500 meters / 10 meters for shotgun
Fire Modes: semi, 3-round burst, shotgun
"Lightweight and accurate, the M4 is used for close quarter battles just like its larger cousin the M16. The Masterkey incorporates a highly modifies Remington M870 shotgun attached under the barrel of the rifle."
Heckler & Koch G11 Light Assault Rifle -
Caliber: 4.73mm (caseless)
Magazine: 45 round
Effective Range: 300 meters
Fire Modes: semi, 3-round burst, full-auto
"This extremely light assault rifle is relatively quiet and has little recoil due to it's lack of extractors or spent casings."
Steyr AUG Light Assault Rifle w/ Grenade Launcher -
Caliber: .223 Remington / 40mm
Magazine: 42 round / 1 grenade
Effective Range: 800 meters / 400 meters for grenade
Fire Modes: semi, full-auto, grenade
"With excellent accuracy, ambidextrous ergonomic design and an intergrated grenade launcher, the AUG (Armee Universal Gewehr) is a first rate assault rifle.
AK-47 Light Assault Rifle -
Caliber: 7.62mm
Magazine: 30 round
Effective Range: 400 meters
Fire Modes: semi, 3-round burst, full-auto
"Built Sturdy and simple to operate, the AK-47 is the preferred weapon of many former Warsaw Pact armies."
Alliant Techsystems OICW Light Assault Rifle -
Caliber: .223 Remington / 20mm
Magazine: 30 round box / 6 grenades
Effective Range: 600 meters / 300 meters for grenade
Fire Modes: semi, 3-round burst, shotgun
"Although heavier than most assualt rifle, the oICW is highly accurate, sturdy and lethal. The ideal weapon for the Land Warrior program."
Special Weapons:
MM-1 Automatic Grenade Launcher -
Caliber: 40mm
Magazine: 12 grenades
Effective Range: 350 meters
"The 12 shot revolver on the MM-1 allows for easy loading and rapid firing."
Pancor Jackhammer (Automatic Combat Shotgun) -
Caliber: 12 gauge
Magazine: 10 round cassette
Effective Range: 20 meters
Fire Modes: semi, full-auto
"A pre-loaded rotating cylinder gives the Jackhammer it's relativly high rate of fire for a shotgun."
UAW Underwater Rifle -
Caliber: 150mm long dart
Magazine: 30 round drag-stabalized darts
Effective Range: 100 meters in air, 30 meters underwater
Fire Modes: semi, full-auto
"Intended to be used for underwater combat, the UAW quietly fires specially designed 150mm long darts which are capable of penetrating wet suits and face masks at range."
Secondary Weapons
Sub-machine Guns:
Heckler & Koch UMP -
Caliber: .45 ACP
Magazine: 25 round box
Effective Range: 200 meters
Fire Modes: semi, 3-round burst, full-auto
"The UMP is considered more reliable than the MP5 with it's better range and stopping power."
Heckler & Koch MP5-SD -
Caliber: 9mm
Magazine: 30 round box
Effective Range: 150 meters
Fire Modes: semi, 3-round burst, full-auto
"Built with the special H&K roller-locked boly system, this silent sub-machine gun is capable of single-shot, controlled burst and full-automatic firing."
Calico Sub-machine Gun -
Caliber: 9mm Parabellum
Magazine: 100 round helical
Effective Range: 100 meters
Fire Modes: semi, 3-round burst, full-auto
"The Calico's relatively low accuracy is made up for its high magazine capacity."
Heckler & Koch .45 SOCOM -
Caliber: .45 ACP
Magazine: 12 round
Effective Range: 150 meters
"Made from polymer plastic, the .45 employs a mechanical recoil reduction system and the signature Heckler & Koch polygonal barrel for increased accuracy."
Heckler & Koch .45 SOCOM-SD -
Caliber: .45 ACP
Magazine: 12 round
Effective Range: 150 meters
"The added silencer allows for virtually silent takedowns. However, it will also decreas muzzle velocity and slightly degrade the stopping power of the weapon."
GLOCK 18 Sub-machine pistol -
Caliber: 9mm Parabellum
Magazine: 33 round
Effective Range: 100 meters
Firing Modes: semi, full-auto
"The Glock 18 is extremly formidable due to it's lightweight concealability and capacity for firing fully automatic."
Heckler & Koch P11 Underwater Pistol -
Caliber: 145mm long dart ACP
Magazine: 6 darts
Effective Range: 30 meters in air / 15 meters underwater
"This virtually silent pistol is used for infiltration from sea to shore. An electric charge is used to fire the rounds."
AT-4 Light Anti-Armor Weapon -
Effective Range: 500 meters
"Designated the AT-4 by the US Army, the Alliant Techsystems M136 rocket launcher is considered disposable and recoilless."
M18 Claymore with Motion Sensors -
"This directional fragmentation mine is planted in the ground with the convex side facing the enemy. Do not cross in front of the claymore once it is placed."
Satchel Charge with Radio Detonator -
"After placing this high explosive pack on your target, move to a safe range and detonate with a radio signal."
Standard Gear (always carried):
6 Fragmentation Grenades -
"Choose either Impact or Time Delay (4-7 seconds)."
Laser Designator -
"For designating targets for artillery strikes(single player only)."
Ka-Bar Knife -
"For silent close combat takedowns"
Bimoculars -
"Used for long range observation."
Auxiliary Gear:
Lar V Rebreather & Fins -
"Allows operative to stay underwater longer. Wearing the Lar V on land will decrease your movement speed."
Kevlar Vest -
"Provides limited resistance to small arms fire.'
Extra Ammo -
"Load for primary weapon."
Medic Pack -
"Used by medics only."
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