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Finishing Touches: 

There are several things you can alays do toadd more points onto your run or link. For instance:  Always be jumping and doing a diffrent grind, this help to multiple your score as well as keep your balance good for a longer period of time.  Also, you should wallride whenever possible, not only does it help your balance it can help your links and runs by taking you to higher places to continue them.  And Use Special Tricks, these can help add mucho points to your score.
Another thing you should always, always, being eyeing is your balance. So many great runs and links have been destroyed becuase of not paying attention to the balance. If you are in the air and notice it's all the way to one side, then don't grind when you come back down, don't think you can just grind then get off real quick. It's better to be safe then to be sorry that you blew a sick score away!

And so that's it everyone... I hope the new stuff I have taught you will help improve your THPS2 high scores!

| The Basics | Becoming a Pro | Link Guide | Final Touches |