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Becoming A Pro:

Now that we have gone over the basics of the game we can move on and begin training you to be a High Score Master, and rank up the points until you don't know what's what. So read on...

The single most important part of racking up the points. Linking is the act of connecting multiple trick opportunities. For example nose grinding the edge of a bowl then jumping onto a regular grinding pipe and then do a trick onto the ground. As long as you never touch the ground a link can go on forever. To keep Links going longer without loosing your balance you should jump often when grinding, when in the air you balance does not effect you, Wall Ride often because it is an easy way to rack up a few points and you almost always make it without crashing.

I already talked about it on the last page, but it is still a very important part of getting a lot of points as well as the linking. 

In Game:
When skating inside the skate park, always look around and know where everything is so you aren't left searching for something or getting lost. Another thing is to always note gaps. Gap are designated area between two or more objects whether you grind and jump across the open gap, or if there are two ramps lined up. Whenever you do a gap always remember where it was. Gaps help add a lot more points to your total!
Use Gaps often, try to include a few in your runs and/or links.

Scout ahead.... Check out paths that could lead to some very good points. Maybe even try it to see any problems that you could deal with and find a solution to. And remember that if you can't do it once, try to upgrade you stats, boards, and tricks and you will have a much better chance of nailing your proposed link.

And most importantlly, Practice!!   You may have to try the link or run a few times before you get it, but once you see the massive points start rolling in you'll forget all about the troubles you went threw to get there.

Not to good making "Links"? Then I have found some 
awsome ones in each park for you to try out! Go on...

| The Basics | Becoming a Pro | Link Guide | Final Touches |