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Merentha: Armageddon
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Chapter 1


.....He had been spoken to by the gods. The message was short. The message was simple. The message kill. The Asmar stood in the temple praying to the statue before him. The statue resembed a simple god. That god was the god of pain, and it had spoken to the Asmar. The god had obviously pointed the Asmar in a northern direction to kill off those who opposed them. The only places he knew in the north were the Atherians and Cardanians.
.....Atheria had been invaded before. First fell the weak warriors. After the weak warriors powerful warriors had surged over the invasion force and crushed the life out of them. They dishonored the Asmar by destroying their armour. Butchering their dead! This outraged the Asmar.
.....Now the gods were giving the Asmar a chance to strike back. The gods were letting the Asmar have a chance for revenge...and they would not let it go to waste.
.....With hundreds of multi-coloured balloons, they could swarm over a continent within hours. Each balloon could hold dozens of Asmar. The Asmar would not be defeated this time.
.....Cardania, the Land of the Kings, was the target. The Asmar cackled in an evil tone at the thought of the sacrifices made to the gods. Hastily, he finished his prayers and went to tell his master. He had proof. He had a scar in the symbol of the god burned onto his hand. He would not be turned away for being a fool. With this thought, he smiled, and left the temple.