Merentha: Armageddon's Main Site | Past Marquees!
The gods had spoken to him. The message was short. The message was simple. The message was . . . . . . . . . . to kill. The Asmar was invading. Their Queen was poisoned. Many were dying. Who would triumph? And through the mist came a screem. An angry scream. A scream of frustration. A scream of . . . . . . . . . . revenge. She tried to hide, they found her. She tried to run, they caught her. She tried to live . . . . . . . . . . they killed her. And as she lay there, bleeding from multiple wounds, she gazed over at the battered corpse next to her...and smiled one last time. In taverns and back alleys rumors ran wild, Queen Simoriah had been killed by traitors, the Queen herself had betrayed the Jeweled Knights, the Explorers Guild was aiding the Asmar invasion force, the Merchants were supplying the Asmar army with weapons and supplies. One thing was certain on every tongue....the end was near