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    Okay, all you newbies out there. If you've just picked up a copy of Jane's Fighter's Anthology, you've come to the right place to get taught how to win.

    The first thing you need to do is get a good joystick. I simply cannot stress that enough. If you don't have a good joystick, you won't be able to focus on the game, let alone push the limits of your aircraft.

   After that, you must get yourself oriented with the keystrokes (even if you do have a programmable joystick, it'll come in handy some day. trust me) and learn how to use different commands effectively. I'll get into more detail in my Flight School section.

    Also, You should become proficient in air to air combat. The best way to accomplish this is to go into Quick Mission and go against several experienced fighter aircraft until you can efficiently destroy 3 to 5 F-22s in under 2 minutes. This will help prepare you for online gaming. After you have accomplished this, You should start to go against other people online. Unfortunately, JCN has shut down indefinitely, so your best bet is to go to TOD3, run by the ATFS. You can find the site on my links page.

    You can learn more about combat in the Flight School section.

    At this point, I shall tell you what things you should get in order to go online-gaming. First off, make sure you have at least a 56k modem. Anything slower than that, and gaming would be bogged down too seriously by lag. Second, get ICQ. ICQ is an instant message/chat program that's the best on the market, so to speak (it's free). Almost everyone in the FA community uses it, so you should too.

    Now, as for other things you may like to know, first off is how to install extra missions. First off, all the missions at this site will be in a ZIP file. To extract and use the mission, you must first unzip it with a utility such as WinAce (I don't like WinZip; it's too user-friendly for me). Once you do this, extract the .m file and the .mt file into your Fighters Anthology folder. Then just fire up the game and select "Single Mission" and scroll down until you see the mission name.

    Next thing on a should-know basis is how to install Libs. To install a lib, download it (it will usually be in a zip file), and extract all of the .LIB files into your Fighters Anthology folder. Start up the game and you should notice insignia of the Lib on the menu screen.

I will add more instructions about various other things later.

Any other questions? Make sure to E-mail me or ICQ me at 81177865.