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Cheats for Starcraft
All starcraft cheats are activated when during a game and pressing enter. When finished typing it in, press enter again.
Cheat Name
Description of Cheat
operation cwal Enables fast-build
food for thought Allows you to build unit supply up to 200 without supply depots, overlords, or pylons
show me the money Gives you 10,000 gas and ore everytime it is typed in
something for nothing All of your units upgrade 1 level
the gathering Allows unlimited usage of unit energy
power overwhelming All units become invincible
This is fun when fighting in a computer free-for-all
midieval man Enables all spells
there is no cow level Automatic victory (only used in single player)
staying alive Doesn't allow victory
war aint what it used to be Turns off Fog of War
modify the phase varience Enables the making of all units and buildings
black sheep wall Reveals whole map
breathe deep Gives you 5,000 gas everytime it is typed in
whats mine is mine Gives you 5,000 ore everytime it is typed in
game over man Automatic defeat
ophelia Warp to any level
(type in race and level number)
radio free zerg New zerg music, "The Hive"
(can only be used as zerg player)