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Aloysius on the Road

His travelling companions found Aloysius very difficult to peg. Most of the time, he babbbled cryptically about whatever seemed to cross his mind at the time. He would often race slightly ahead of the party so he could look at some plant, or insect, or small animal near the road. While doing this, a look of calm contemplation swept across his face, displacing his usually disturbed demeanor.

Aloysius seemed to really enjoy exchanging witticisms with Arachne. He would frequently walk next to Puddle Jumper so he could do that. He also seemed to enjoy talking with Pug, although Pug was generally more interested in working on his hat.

One night, as the party camped, Aloysius looked up at the star-filled sky. "By Andromeda's flowing locks," he sighed, "the Celestial River runs deep this night." Again, he seemed very peaceful and calm as he discussed the stars and planets with whoever seemed interested. However, later in the evening, someone asked him about where he was from and if he had family. His joy at talking about the heavens quickly receded as he directed his gaze towards the ground. "What has transpired before matters not now, and on the 'morrow, now will matter not." With that, he rested his head on his pack and turned his back to the party. Those nearest to him could have sworn they heard a faint sniffling sound coming from the strange purple man, until at last he fell asleep.

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