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Aloysius Stargazer

Strength low/avg
Dexterity exceptional
Constitution very high
Intelligence exceptional
Wisdom low/avg
Charisma low/avg
Aloysius is very tall and very skinny. His hair is currently dyed purple, and is usually kept in a long pony-tail that goes to just below his shoulders. He has rather dull hazel eyes and perpetual "razor stubble". He has a nervous tic that causes his eyebrow to jump when he talks (which is often). He wears 3 worthless earrings on his right ear, and 4 on the left. He wears a purple robe adorned with silver and gold-colored moons and stars, along with a matching hat. The hat is a typical "magic-user" hat, shaped as a cone that is almost a foot high.

It is apparent to others that Aloysius is more than a bit odd. He tends to ramble on about anything at any time, and has numerous personal habits that others usually find repulsive. Although he is obviously very intelligent, he is woefully lacking in common sense, particularly when it comes to human (or demi-human) behavior.

Aloysius has never had any friends as he spent his entire life with his magic-user mentor, Thelderkein Moonspawn. This explains his woeful social habits and inability to understand others. He desperately wants others to like him and is exremely insecure about this. He is afraid to reach out to others for fear of rejection. Since those around him find him distant, annoying, and often times disgusting, they usually don't reach out to him in friendship. Aloysius tends to think that this means that "people just don't like him" and occasionally causes him to become depressed. To partially remedy this fact, he goes overboard on "magic-user stuff" in an attempt to at least earn the respect of others since he believes he can't earn their friendship.

Aloysius is extremely curious about the natural world, and about the night time skies. He spends a lot of time watching the stars and planets and talking about them (if anyone will listen). He is also fascinated about animals, and to a lesser extent, plants. Although he is a skilled herbalist, he doesn't generally apply his knowledge to anything practical. His herbalism skills are simply incidental to a lifetime of studying "wild things". He views gold as a means to creature comforts only (a hot meal, a warm bed, good ale, etc.), and is more interested in learning new things than he is at piling up material wealth.

In combat, Aloysius tries to stay out of hand-to-hand melee if at all possible. He is surprisingly nimble, and proves to be a difficult target for attackers. Aloysius is also fairly proficient at dagger-throwing. This is a product of natural hand-eye coordination, not practice. If forced into hand-to-hand combat, Aloysius assumes an odd stance where his dagger is held at arm's length in his right hand while his left hand is held straight up in the air. His knees are slightly bent, with his right foot pointed at his opponent, and his back is straight as a board. Apparently, he saw a fencing match somewhere and thinks this is how it is supposed to be done. As expected, he is generally less than effective in this type of combat.

Aloysius talks funny and has mood changes for no good reason.  He seems to be rather thin-skinned whenever he is criticized and often finds insult where none was intended.  He has many repugnant personal habits, although these may have improved somewhat during the time the group has been together.  He doesn't seem to have a "middle gear".  He either yaps all the time about anything and everything or he is quiet and withdrawn.  He has a tendency to complain about things without ever providing helpful suggestions as to how to alleviate the problem in question.  He has a tendency to talk without thinking and thereby tends to offend others.  His moods swing so widely that there is precious little in his personality to like.  He has no sense of humor and often doesn't "get" jokes made by others.  He is self-centered, but he does seem to be genuinely concerned about the wellbeing of those with whom he travels.  The only times he smiles are when he is babbling in a manic frenzy about something wholly irrelevant to his circumstances.  He frowns often, and many times without reason.  He seems to carry an unbelievably heavy burden of some sort that isn't completely understood.  He is clearly more comfortable with books than he is with people.  He is very logical, but has very little street smarts or common sense.  He is opposed to senseless harm or violence to other creatures, and does not permit torture or other forms of forced "interrogation".  He seems to actually enjoy the favor he receives from creatures he charms, even though they aren't genuine. He has a fondness for animals.  He has no regard for established hierarchies of authority.  He has a tendency to sit and take things in as others interact as if he is processing information.  He abhors structure.  He prizes valuable material objects, but not to an extreme.  He loves to overeat, but remains thin.  He is abnormally drawn to creature comforts.

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