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Azrun Darkwalker

Strength high/avg
Dexterity high
Constitution avg
Intelligence high/avg
Wisdom avg
Charisma high
A handsome man, his eyes have a sparkle to them. Whether it's from happiness or mischief you never know. Azrun is about 6' and 190lbs. He has short brown hair. He wears loose fitting clothes and carries his staff where ever he goes. He keeps a journal in his pack where he writes of the places he's been and stories he has heard.

Azrun was arrested to be sent back to Cormyr in Move 73.

Azrun returned to the group with a message for Jana from Lytern Parlfray in Move 161.

He’s not totally comfortable with his place in the group and this makes him want to overachieve. He’s not as smart as Arachne or Aloysius. He not as wise as Blacky or Echo. He definitely can’t fight as well as Jana and Blacky, nor cast magic as well as Aloysius. He can do a little of it all, though. He’s slowly building up his confidence there. He’s got a good group of people to learn from though. As before he left the group, he thinks the party should open up a little more and be a bit more supportive.  He really cares about each person in the group and wants to see them happy.

As far as the future of the party, Azrun figures the sky is the limit. He knows that they have some evils that they need to take care of first. Ranchefus needs to pay dearly for all the suffering he has caused the area and the group. After that, well, he still misses Cemantha. Although, the chances of finding her are slim perhaps with the help of some magic, he could find her. That could lead to a whole new set of adventures. Until then, he’s happy keeping things smooth here.

Equipment: brown leather boots, black pants, blue shirt, gray traveling cloak, backpack, blanket, quill & ink, waterskin, spellbook

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