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Previous Months' Game Calendar:

Underdark Expedition Day
  4  The party meets two deep gnomes and is attacked by white furry creatures while resting.
  5  The party fights a gelatinous cube.
  6  The party reaches the Svirfneblin camp.
  7  Carmeneren asks the party to take out two groups of trolls that have been troubling the deep gnomes.
  9   The party reaches a spot near the troll caverns.  Echo, Jana, and Renn go scouting.
10  The party baits a group of Topknot trolls and fights 8 of them in the tunnels.
11  The party recovers and discusses leadership issues.
12  The party returns to the Topknot caves and is nearly overrun by a band of smelly humanoid lizards while camping.
13  The party discusses their next course of action.
14  The party explores more of the Topknot caves and meets some Slaverers.
15  The party recovers from the fight in one of the cleared-out Topknot caves.
16  The party explores a smelly cavern, fights more Slaverers, and rests some more.
17  The party finishes the Slaverer trolls, picks a fight with a pool monster, and finds a some treasure in another pool.
18  The party meets up with Carmeneren's deep gnomes again.
21  Carmeneren shows the group an illusionary wall and gives them a map to the City of the Glass Pool.
22  The deep gnomes leave, Azrun and Arachne teleport to Milborne, and Daelen goes for a walk alone.
23  Arachne and Azrun return and Daelen's body is found inside a giant cave lizard.
24  Arachne takes Daelen's body to the surface and the group moves toward the fork in the tunnel.
25  The group makes an initial foray into the grell nest and disagrees about scouting.
26 Arachne goes scouting and the party fights grells deeper in the grell nest.
27  The party rests after wiping out the grells.
28  Blacky is attacked by a giant eel and Arachne regenerates Olaf's hand.
29  The party fights a spherical monster, bickers, and is attacked by shadow creatures.
30 The party gathers treasure and meets their first roper after leaving the grell nest.

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