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Daelen Bloodless

Strength exceptional 
Dexterity high/avg
Constitution high
Intelligence average 
Wisdom average
Charisma low/avg

Daelen is a tall, very strong looking young man. His blond hair is kept short, a good thing since you'd think it's never seen a comb. He has the perpetual look of a man who has been on the road and neglected to shave for a few days, more often than not this is the case.

Just under his traveling cloak is a set of banded armor, probably made for him as it fits remarkably well. At his waist are a beautifuly crafted longsword in an unremarkable scabbard, a dagger and a coiled leather bullwhip. A second dagger rests in a boot sheath and no attempt has been made to conceal it.

At all times, Snow, a large hound with obvious traces of wolf in his ancestry, follows Daelen closely, growling softly whenever anyone gets too close. The name, while uninspired, is quite fitting; as Snow's shaggy coat is almost totaly white.

By all appearances, Daelen prefers Snow's company to that of most people and is at least as protective of his companion as the dog is of him. This suits most other people just fine as they can do without Daelen's often cynical and sarcastic attitude.

On the surface, Daelen seems cold and practical. He's sometimes impulsive and says the first thing that comes to mind, apparently oblivious to the opinions and feelings of those around him. And since he's somewhat aware of this, he often keeps to himself to minimize party conflict. This absense of tact isn't an attempt to be offensive as much as a reflection of his straightforward, no nonsense attitude. He finds lies and deceptions distasteful but does realize they can sometimes be helpful so he isn't completely against them.

He doesn't take well to being told what to do and how to act and so has a dislike and distrust for large scale organisation and imposed authority. He does seem inclined towards the goddess Tymora but never prays and doesn't carry any tokens of the faith.

In some of his mannerisms it's obvious he was once part of the military, though most of his ways seems more inclined towards a sort of moral bounty hunting. He has no qualms about killing typicaly evil humanoids for profit but frowns on taking advantage of the weak and helpless.

Daelen is courageous in battle and life but for the most part does realise when he's outmatched and when withdrawl is advisable. By the same token he's the kind of person who would gladly take a crossbow bolt in the arm or leg to save a friend but probably wouldn't take six in the chest to help someone he doesn't particularly care for.

He doesn't know much about magic, the command word for his sword being the extent of his expertise, but doesn't seem terribly uncomfortable about it's use around him unless it's being used against him.

Daelen's best friend is probably Snow, his dog. He talks to Snow like he would a person and gets annoyed when other people don't respect the bond Daelen feels they have. To Daelen, he and Snow are like two misfits against the world, partners. He's aware that to most other people this sounds like some bard-spawned nonsense.

Daelen was killed by a giant cave lizard.  His body was found in Move 273.

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