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Dalgaer Glitterax

Strength high/avg
Dexterity high
Constitution high
Intelligence avg
Wisdom avg
Charisma avg
Dalgaer is a handsome young gnome, though he seems a bit quiet and shy outside of battle. His hair and beard are kept neatly trimmed, and the honey-blond color of his hair complements his tan skin well. He is large and muscular for a gnome, and were it not for his trimmed beard and proudly bulbous nose he might be mistaken for a

Dalgaer wears serviceable chainmail over brown breeches and tunic. His battleaxe is carried in hand, never far from reach. A warhammer and bolt quiver hang on his right side, and a sheathed dagger and small pouch are on his left. A back pack and light crossbow are usually slung across his back.

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