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Strength avg
Dexterity exceptional
Constitution low/avg
Intelligence high/avg
Wisdom avg
Charisma high/avg
Echo is a short, frail woman with short copper-colored hair that was unevenly cut with dark eyes and tan skin. She wears mostly dark clothing and a well-worn tattered gray traveling cloak. Her nickname would most likely come from the habit she has of repeating things that other people say. She has a number of nervous mannerisms, and she doesn't seem well at ease most of the time.

Echo was taken hostage during the assult on the Thornwood Keep in Move 89 and has reportedly been turned over to orcs.

Echo was rescued by the group in Move 135.

Echo is from Candlekeep, where she grew up with a single mother.  All she knows of her father is that he was a gold elf bladesinger who took a passing fancy to her human mother.   On her stomach, she has tattooed his bladesinger mark as described by her mother.  Her mother was engaged to a wealthy merchant when she became pregnant.  After he broke the engagement, she took care of herself and her daughter by taking in sewing.  Echo showed some magical aptitude as a child and with her mother’s blessing was taken to study magic.  Her intelligence did not match up with the other students and she became a subject of ridicule by both her mentors and her fellow students.   She got her nickname from her habit of repeating everything she was told in an effort to remember what was second nature to everyone around her.  The name stuck even in her mind and she rarely tells anyone the name she was given by her mother when she was born.  She taught herself to sneak at night and pick locks as a form of revenge, mostly practical jokes, on the ones who ridiculed her the most.  She takes more pride in her self-taught thieving skills than in the magic she learned out of stubbornness and obligation to her mother for everything she gave up for her.

Echo is uncomfortable with attention and with letting anyone know how she feels, often pulling her cowl up to hide her facial expressions.  Her experiences when learning magic have left her with a feeling of inferiority and a dislike of all wizards, although she is trying to overcome the prejudice.  She is a nervous woman and that has only grown worse since her captivity and abuse by Ranchefus and the orcs.  She is coping with that by doing what she can to prevent the same from happening to anyone else.  She refuses to discuss what happened to her with anyone.

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