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Move 61

Thurmaster-Night, 16 Eleasias 1374 DR

Two of the men dancing decided that Echo and Jyothki looked more promising than the young girls they were partnered with. The two girls looked somewhat relieved and their fathers looked more relieved than that.

Echo smiled at her partner and leaned in close to him as they danced, "So, how long will you be around? Is the caravan leaving in the morning, or will you be around awhile?"

He shrugged, "I don't know what we're doing. I'm not the one who makes the decisions. I'm just here to get paid."

Echo nodded at him and started making small talk about the festivities.

Jyothki smiled brightly at her dancing partner. She tried to follow along with his steps. She was not familiar with the dance, and it showed.

The man smiled back at Jyothki, leaning in to whisper in her ear.

Jyothki continued to smile at him as he crooned to her. She had no idea what he was talking about. She replied in elven, not expecting him to know what she was saying either.

"Do you want something to drink?" Echo's partner asked her. "We could get some wine." He offered her a hand to lead her toward the wagons.

"Sure," Echo replied. She took his hand and followed him away from the crowd.

Jyothki and her partner continued to dance, not understanding anything the other said. Echo and her partner disappeared. 

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