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Etienne Longpath

Strength high
Dexterity high/avg
Constitution high
Intelligence low/avg
Wisdom high
Charisma high
Etienne is fairly handsome, although this is mostly because of his elven ancestry. His skin coloring is light with slight tinges of blue around the tips of his ears and cheek bones. He is around six feet in height and stockier than a full elf. He has brown eyes, and brown, slightly longer than shoulder length hair which he wears loose. His dress is quite simple. Black pants with a green shirt underneath a suit of studded leather. He wears a set of bracers and leather gloves to protect his arms and hands. He wears two medalions, one he keeps tucked in his shirt. The other is worn outside on his armor, it is the shape of a unicorn. On his back are strapped two scimitars and a long bow.

Etienne is up front and straight to the point. He means no harm to anyone as long as they obey the laws of the woods.

Etienne was killed in a fight against a cabal of Cyricist in the Garlstone Mines in Move 155.

Equipment: Brown Leather Boots, Black Long Pants, Green Shirt, Leather gloves Green Travelling Cloak, (2) Wineskin, Studded Leather Armor, Leather bracers, (2) Scimitars, Long Bow, (20) Sheaf Arrows, Mielikki Holy Symbol

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