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Galaret Lachiel

Strength high/avg
Dexterity avg
Constitution low/avg
Intelligence high/avg
Wisdom exceptional
Charisma high
Galaret Lachiel is of average build with pale skin that freckles, light gold-red hair, violet eyes. She wears chain mail and has a rose red circle emblazoned on her shield. A disk of rosy hue hangs from a leather thong around her neck. She carries both a mace and a flail. Gala is from a prominent family in Waterdeep who had no problem with their only daughter becoming a priest of a faith such as Lathander's. Gala has a fraternal twin brother (Gareth) who is heir to her families estate.

Gala left the group in Move 71.

Equipment: mace, chain mail armor, shield, flail, backpack, flint & steel, holy symbol of Lathander, rations, wineskin, belt pouch (large and small), bandages and herbs 

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