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Janathell Caislean

Strength very high
Dexterity high/avg
Constitution very high
Intelligence avg
Wisdom avg
Charisma high/avg

Jana is a tall, athletic young woman. She has jet black hair and dark violet eyes. Other than her unusual eye color, there's nothing remarkable about Jana's appearance. She wears chain mail armor and carries a shield. She wears a bastard sword on one hip and carries a mace on the other. Her hair is long and usually worn tied in a practical ponytail.

Jana was born in a field in Cormyr to mercenary parents.  She spent most of her life in merc camps or staying with retired mercs while her parents were on campaigns too dangerous to bring her along.  Being a mercenary is the only thing Jana ever thought to be.  She's still having trouble grasping the idea that there might be other options.

Jana's parents died in a fight shortly before she joined the group.  She's young, seventeen, and had never been on her own until she found herself totally alone.  She kept her mother's horse, Daisy Belle, and sold off their equipment, outfitting herself to find paying mercenary work.  Everything moved so fast when her parents died, and there were so many things she had to attend to, Jana never really had the opportunity to grieve.  She still hasn't, really, and she still misses them terribly.

Jana learned to fight from merc armsmasters.  She also learned to read and write, unusual for a merc.  Her parents had high hopes she'd make officer and wanted to prepare her as best they could.  Jana is quite conscious of the things her parents gave up for her.  Much of her determination to find a good merc company to join stems from her need to fulfill their wishes.

Perhaps because she grew up in an environment where friends dying was relatively commonplace, Jana has difficultly forming strong emotional ties.  The exception is Echo, the closest friend Jana's ever had.   Jana's parents were very protective of her; consequently, now that she's on her own, Jana's been somewhat lacking in discretion.  Trouble is, she believes the stories, that if she does something 'bad,' she'll be punished.  Jana is feeling rather punished at the moment.

Jana has a quick temper.  She takes offense easily and her first response is often physical.  She's been known to take out her frustrations on defenseless trees.  She's blunt and sometimes abrasive and does not suffer fools gladly.  Jana, for all her talk of finding a merc company, does feel considerable loyalty to her present companions, at least through the duration of their current mission.  Whether she's committed to the group or to the goal of the group is open to debate.

Jana takes great pains to look and act tough and competent.  She is competent, quite so, and while she's physicially tough, emotionally, she's a wreck.  A train wreck in progress.  Jana is extremely fragile emotionally and is prone to numbing depression and fatalism.  At its worst, this manifests itself by her taking unnecessary and unwarranted risks.  Jana is, underneath all her armor, very, very scared.  And the thing that scares her most of all is other people knowing that.

Picture by Luis Royo

Equipment: Chain mail armor, medium shield, bastard sword, footman's mace, dagger, backpack, clothing, padding for chain mail, riding boots, walking boots, gloves, cloak, sword belt and scabbard, strap for mace, waterskin, whetstone, Horse, riding saddle, riding blanket, bit and bridle, horseshoes, saddle bags

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