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Kanon Greenridge

Strength very high
Dexterity avg
Constitution high/avg
Intelligence avg
Wisdom  high
Charisma high/avg  
This young priest has dark black hair was barely hidden by the edges of a
basinet helm.  The helm itself is decorated with a single tiny rose
disk above a golden band that rests at the base of the helm.   His face is
completely unscarred with a completely smooth shave that gives him a boyish
look.  His eyes are dark blue and almond shaped as if he were distantly
related to the exotic peoples of the far east.  Even though his face bespoke
a heavier build the young priest is clearly well developed physically even
hidden under all of his armor. The most prominant feature both due to it's
appearance and sound is his armor.  The gorget of the armor rises almost to
his eyeline with a small opening in the front to prevent the muffling of his
speech.   The dull grey armor completely covers his body except of course
for the parts covered with black stained chain mail to allow easier
Complimentary to the grey hafted morningstar on his right hip is a pronged
mace that looks more akin to a scepter with a small red gem at the tip of
the head and another gem, dark green, in the pommel.  Alongside the
morningstar tied tightly and almost peaceknotted is a black longsword.  On
his left arm he wears a large kite shield completely white with a rose
colored circle displayed prominently in the middle.   Around his neck he has
a long dark red cloak clasped along side a long silver chain that's tucked
into a pocket in the cloak.  Strangely he also wears displayed prominently
under the cloak a shark's tooth necklace.  All of the weight he currently
carries in the form of weapons and armor is amplified by a pack,

scroll-cases, and an untold number of small

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