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Each square represents 10'

1. Gates
2a/2b. Guard bunks
3. Courtyard
4. Old empty
5. Stables...was where we kept the dogs chained
6. Old lumber storeroom...trapdoor leads to lower level
7. Storeroom...where we kept our food and equipment and stuff
8. Meeting room
9a-e. Old servant room and Wilmor's and Balrat's
10. Kitchen
11. Watch tower
12. Watch platform
13. Old Smithy

14. Landing
15. Guard room...where crazy ol' Marly stayed
16. Cells
17. Another storeroom...mostly junk
18. Latrine pit
20a-c. Never went in here...don't know what these rooms are
21. No one ever went in here...old crypt, cursed and haunted
22. Landing
23. Old temple
24-25. Ranchefus' rooms