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Lasiar Brightmantle

Strength low/avg
Dexterity low/avg
Constitution high
Intelligence very high
Wisdom very high
Charisma high/avg
A man of average height, Lasiar has a lean build, and hardy condition. He has short cropped, black hair brushed back, and rugged facial features. His strong chin and nose is softened by gentle blue eyes that dance with youthful exuberance. His face and chin are smooth, requiring a shave once every few days. He favors his lefthand, where the pinky is missing, and tends to slide his hand through his hair whenever he is nervous. His voice is deep and gravelly and marks of a Corymrian accent. His thoughts tend to dwell in his mind before being vocalized by his glib tongue.

He is clad in dark blue clothing over his suit of chainmail, wearing his moon's hand over his left hip, and carries his essentials in a small pack slung over his shoulders. On his right hip, a sling is tucked in his belt near a pouch of stones. His shirt and breeches are of simple cloth, and boots are sewn from thick hide. He also sports a blue cloak clasped with a brooch engraved with the symbol of Selune. The trinket will only fetch mere coppers in the market, but to him and the clergy, it is priceless. He wears a black glove on his left hand, not to hide his defect, but to remind him of his loss and his vows of humility. He also wears a gold locket and chain that he hides under his clothing, which bears a special meaning to him.

Lasiar was killed by orcs in Move 127.

Equipment:blue clothing, chain mail armor, holy symbol of Selune, backpack, waterskin, bedroll, blanket, moon's hand mace 

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