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Move 108:Status Report

The Thornwood Keep--Morning, 24 Eleasias 1374 DR

The commotion with the beetle and the goblin had brought everyone into the same room, if only for the current moment. Several of the party members were wet and injured. Some of the same party members were now without a few important pieces of equipment, like boots or pants. The money that had been in Blacky's belt pouch was scattered among the bug goo. The group's single light source, Renn's lantern, was being held by Arachne.

"Does anyone have an additional light source?" asked Aloysius. "I would propose that Rennirolas, Kaileer, and Etienne go to the western end of the hall to seacrh for the hidden chamber as they are the ones most likely to find it. The rest of us should split into two groups - one to finish cleaning the shrine, and the rest to guard this door. That way, we can complete all the things that need done here as soon as possible so that we can pursue Ranchefus."

"I do," Lasiar answered, "though I only have one boon left of the Lady's today, and I will need that to ask the Lady's blessing on the shrine." He shrugged. "If you do not have need of me, I shall start the clean up again."

"This isn't really mine," Arachne said, holding up the lantern. "Do you want it to see to clean or to see to hunt for a hidden room? And I guess we're not looking at having any difficulty getting out of here but we are several of us feeling poorly. Whom should I help?" She looked around at the injured.

"Hmmm. . . . ," continued Aloysius to no one in particular. "The Gleaming Glade was mentioned by someone in the tavern at Milbourne. If memory serves me rightly, 'tis located a good distance from here. If we are intent on taking the dark priest up on his 'invitation', then methinks we should find the secret chamber and the chests he mentioned as soon as possible."

"Blacky has my last torch," Jana said, nodding at the soggy thing. She winced, from the acid burns and a cut on her leg. "I hate goblins," she muttered. Let's go kill s'more." She looked down the tunnel, squinting as if that would allow her to see farther. "Think the chests are down that tunnel?"

"Nay," replied Aloysius. "The dark priest's note said that the chests are in a hidden chamber at the western end of the hallway that runs past the shrine. If we are to insure at least one good opportunity to rescue Echo, methinks we ought to at least attempt to find them."

Blacky attempted to follow the conversation as he retrieved his coins from amidst the bug remains. "We need to find more torches before we go anywhere. Let's check that storeroom we passed on the way in." He commented.

"An excellent suggestion, Eric," replied Aloysius. "Rennirolas, Etienne, Lasair . . . .dost any of thee have magical light at thy disposal? If not, let us find some torches if possible and locate these chests. If it be the Gleaming Glade that we decide to visit, we have a lengthy journey ahead."

"Well, Stargazer must follow the lantern, where'er it goes. Ranchefus has naught to fear so long as we stand in this dank room."

"We need to all decide we are going to one place," Falgout inserted, "or go look for torches like Blacky suggested. I need to finish cleaning the shrine, but it's going to take a while. If the rest of you want to take a few minutes to look for that room you were talking about or to look for torches, I'll come along."

"Agreed," replied Aloysius. "Naught can we achieve in the darkness, so perhaps we should go search for sources of illumination. I, for one, shall accompany Eric to the storeroom."

Falgout looked around at everyone then motioned to Rumer, "Come here for a minute."

Rumer walked over to Falgout and looked at him quizzically.

Falgout and Rumer spoke to each other quietly for a moment before he lay his hand on her shoulder and muttered a soft prayer. Her wounds disappeared.

"Thanks, Falgout." Rumer smiled at the horribly maimed man.

As Aloysius waited for Blacky to head out towards the torches, he looked about at the others. "Janathell, perhaps you and Falgout can watch the door in case the goblins return. Lasiar, mayhap thou shouldst employ thy light spell in here to deter the goblins. We will need a priest of Tyr in all likelihood to rededicate the shrine anyway. You and Rennirolas can continue working in the shrine until we return with the torches. Etienne and Kaileer can inspect the west end of the hall for the secret door. If you find it, perhaps Rumer can inspect it for traps. Arachne, why don't you accompany Eric and I? If we run into trouble, we can send you back to fetch assistance."

He looked at the gnome, who was still (presumably) holding the lantern. "We'll need the lantern to see where we are going in any event. Once we have the torches and have located the secret door, we can finish the shrine, get the chests, and then decide if we are going to use the tunnel or proceed overland to the Gleaming Glade. Let's go." The mage gave a small, albeit unsuccessful, push into Blacky's back.

Kaileer shrugged and nodded his approval. "If we find other bug, we go find you." he said as he exited the room and walked towards the west end of the corridor.

Etienne stood up and shook his head as the buzzing in his ears stopped, "Maybe the next one will be quieter." He then padded ou the door behind Kaileer.

"He said he needed to do some blessing on the shrine," Jana reminded Aloysius. "Maybe those of us who need light can clean the damned temple and those who don't can look for more torches or something?"

"You like the word 'damn', don't you?" asked Rumer, tongue firmly in cheek.

"Damn right," Jana confirmed.

Rumer nodded, her suspicions confirmed. "Let's get cleanin'. Hmmm. I've never cleaned a room before." She confidently strode next to Falgout back toward the defiled temple.

"Alright, let's get going. Aloysius, you carry the lantern." Blacky said after he dumped his coins into his backpack. He headed out toward the storeroom.

Aloysius took the lantern as directed and followed Blacky. He glanced at Arachne as he left the room. "Coming?" he asked. 

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