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Move 116:Splitting Up

The Thornwood--Morning, 25 Eleasias 1374 DR

After some time, Rumer returned with Falgout. He looked considerably calmer, although very distracted. He didn't seem to be interested in any of the conversations taking place; instead, he stared off blankly more than anything else.

Kaileer came back from cleaning up at the stream as well, once again putting everyone momentarily in the same place.

Rennirolas finished his morning ablutions amidst the heated conversations that resounded within the campsite. He bent over the accumulated weapons that had been left there, and fished out the longsword he'd left before venturing to the keep.

He unbuckled the scabbard in which Kaileer's blade was held on his belt, and carried the blade to the elf's side. "Good Kaileer, I do thank you for the use of your weapon," Rennirolas said as he offered the scabbarded longsword to its owner. "And I am truly thankful your blade did not suffer the fate of mine own," he chuckled.

"I am happy I could help," the ranger said as he accepted the returned weapon with a nod and a smile, "though in truth this blade does not belong to me. I am merely holding it untill I can return it to a companion who was taken by these same fiends. I try to keep hope he may yet live but..." he shrugged sadly and left the rest of the thought unsaid.

Aloysius finished packing his things. He stood ready with Jana and Etienne and waited to see who was headed where.

Rumer sat quietly next to Falgout.

Jyothki looked around at the different groups gathering to leave. She gave Kaileer a quizzical look, then turned toward the above ground group. "As I understand, those people are going under the ground?" She waited until someone nodded. "Then I'm going with you folks. I am not a gopher." She motioned at Kaileer. "Are you coming with me?" she asked cheerily. "I'd feel better if you did. From what I understand we're going to fight the big bad guy."

"It would seem this group is more adept at fighting each other than any enemy." Kaileer said with a frown as he fastened his cape and brushed his wet hair behind his ears with his hands.

"My apologies, Jyothki, I did not wish to burden you with my worries... It would be an honor and a pleasure to travel in your company again. From what I understand, the general intent of the group is stil to travel to this accursed glade in hopes of exchanging these chests for our companion Echo's freedom. I have my doubts Ranchefus will be there but it is likely he will have several minions, living or undead waiting for us... But," He smiled and motioned to Aloysius, "Our talented magus has proposed to send me, under an enchantment of invisibility to scout the area so that we may plan our approach more effectively."

Jyothki's finger tapped the ranger's sword. "That's alright my friend," she said absently. With a sudden blink of recognition she looked at Kaileer, then turned to see what was happening with the chests. "I wonder," she began softly. "I assume this priest to be human? That could be useful to you. He would not see in the night as you and I do. Is this exchange to take place during the day or the night?"

"The priest appears human enough but I doubt it matters... we already know he has orcs working with him and they are creatures of the night, able to see as well in darkness as any of us." Kaileer shook his head and tightened the sword belt around his waist.

Jyothki cocked her head to the side. "That's true enough," she sighed. "I suppose it is a forgone conclusion that this priest will not uphold his end of the bargain?"

"None of us really expect this will be anything but a battle and..." he lowered his voice, knowing Jana was learning his language, "... I have my doubts that Echo is even still alive... but we do not know for sure, and refusing the priest's terms is certain to worsen her situation if she lives. But we will not walk into THIS trap without knowing it's nature."

"Hopefully, only once we have reunited," said Aloysius. "At Kuiper's on the eve of the 28th? Does that sound like a suitable date?"

"Hey," Jana murmured to Etienne, "I actually understood part of that. Not much, but some..."

Etienne smiled, "Enough of us speak it, that it should rub off on you. It's quite beautiful especially when used in song. My mother used to sing us to sleep in elven." He stared at the ground for a moment then looked back up at her and smiled.

Rennirolas smiled, as he slung his backpack and healer's bag over his shoulders. "Back to the keep again, then, I see the right of it. Fey vision is quite nice, though I believe we shall require the lantern once again," he said. "And hopefully we will not alarm any more of the..ah..wildlife in the tunnels."

"But before we do go," Renn continued. "Jana, Blacky, would you like me to see to your wounds?"

"If you have the power to spare, otherwise save it until one of us really needs it." Blacky replied

Renn added, "And Rumer, did you care to examine the chests afore we split?"

"If you would like me to," Rumer replied.

"It cannot hurt, lest the results of the spell are unfavorable," Rennirolas smiled.

"If Stargazer hath followed the expression of intent as to each person's path, I believe that Rumer shall accompany thee and the others into the keep. Those of us heading north shall attend the chests, as Janathell's steed would seem best able to bear their weight. Howe'er, thou didst say that thy liege didst empower thee to detect traps both mechanical and arcane. Perhaps if thou didst that, and any such traps could then be neutralized, we could discern if any helpful items await us inside the chests? Proceed with thy detections, Rennirolas."

"That was the general idea, to find and account for any traps before you took the chests away," Rennirolas said dryly. "We shall have some time, the spell shall last for thirty minutes before it's power is lost," Renn clarified.

Beside the chests, Rennirolas chanted, raising his voice in prayer to his God with a mixture of arcane and elvish words. With a few gestures of his hands, the spell looked to be complete, and Renn knelt beside the chests. He examined both from the sides and also looked at the lid. Rennirolas took extra note of any hinges on the chests, and any locks they might possess.

Aloysius watched with great interest as Renn worked his spell. He tried to follow the method Renn employed in his incantation, but frowned as he was obviously unable to do so.

Lasiar sat quietly whilst emotions flew and anxiety was released. Seeing his fellows come to a decision, Lasiar finally added, "I will travel below. I have no need to speak to anyone in town, and I am curious as to what lies beyond the priest's rooms. Meeting at Kuiper's on the 28th seems feasible." He looked briefly around at their supplies. "Do we have sufficient oil for the lantern, Blacky? If not, we shall need to make torches."

A few minutes ticked by as Rennirolas examined the two chests. He sighed and sat back on his haunches. "The larger of the two, it is warded and trapped. The ward is set to go off when the chest is opened, and there is a mechanical trap of some sort in the lock. The smaller chest, that has the same glyph as the larger.

"I am completely unfamiliar with the glyphs I'm afraid. Perhaps it would be best if we left them alone?" Renn said questioningly.

"Can't we trigger the glyphs from a safe distance somehow?" Jana asked.

"Indeed, there is that possibility," Rennirolas nodded. "But if, instead of exploding or some similar external burst of force, the glyphs were set to destroy what was within the chests, we could possibly destroy something important to the fulfillment of our goals."

"I think Rumer found plenty of oil in the keep's supply room. Aloysius, perhaps Renn should check that scroll tube as well, before you open it.?" Blacky replied

"We still have quite a while before the spell wears off," Renn acknowledged.

"An excellent suggestion," said Aloysius as he dug the scroll case from his pack. "Rennirolas, would you?"

"Certainly Aloysius," Rennirolas agreed as he held out his hand for the case. A very short inspection followed. "No warding glyphs or anything here," Renn smiled. "I can't answer for the contents however. Never know, it very well may be a cursed scroll of some sort."

Etienne listened for a bit as the other fooled with the chests. Finally boredom sat in as he stood. He looked down to Jana, "I think I'm going to walk around a bit until they get things straightened out with the chests. Want to come along?" He offered her his hand.

"Sure," Jana said, taking his offered hand and getting to her feet. "Hey, maybe you can give me a few pointers on this bow I took out of the storeroom. I'm so sick of standing around waiting for zombies and bandits to come to me," she added with evident frustration. She grabbed her new shortbow and quiver of arrows and followed Etienne.

"Rennirolas, can you tell me what you have sensed about these glyphs?" asked Aloysius. "Mayhap they are something with which Stargazer is familiar."

"Nothing more than what I've reported really," Renn sighed, he looked disappointed in not being able to describe them. "But let me look at them again while this spell lasts, perhaps then I will be able to tell you more Aloysius." He spent another handful of minutes in examination of the chests.

"Would disarming the mechanical trap without opening the chest set off the glyph? How about picking the lock?" Rumer asked.

"I'm also assuming no one found any keys, right?"

"I do not believe either of those actions would set off the glyphs," Rennirolas admitted. "Not a strong recommendation is it," the moon elf shrugged. "But from what I feel about the glyphs they are tied to the opening of the chests."

"Ah," Renn exclaimed as he stood again. "I do wish I had seen the protective warding of the doorway yesterday, but I think this may be something similar. A release of cold when the chests are opened. Would any of you familiar with the workings of magic care to substantiate my findings?" he asked.

"Hmmm . . ." said Aloysius contemplatively, "I suspect that thy findings be correct, Rennirolas. Knowledge that the glyphs exist should be enow' to dissuade us from opening the chests for the time being. Perhaps Tauster will be able to rid the chests of these wards."

He looked around at those who remained in the campsite. "Come, let us make final preparations to depart. Although our supply of time may seem adequate for now, we may well wish for more later. Eric, can you afix the chests upon Janthell's horse? Where did she and Etienne go?"

Rumer proceeded to try and disarm the mechanical traps.

"Bloody hell," she cursed, "This is a needle trap of some kind but I can't seem to figure out how to disarm it. I'm probably lucky I didn't stick myself."

"Oh well, so much for that idea," Rumer muttered.

"Yeah, let's get a move on." Blacky said as he attempted to put the chests on the horse. "We may have quite a large tunnel to explore."

Aloysius walked a short ways away from the camp and cupped his hands around his mouth. "Janathell! Etienne! 'Tis time to depart!" he called as loud as he could. He returned to the others. "What an odd time for them to wander off," he commented quietly.

Etienne and Jana soon came walking out the woods nearby. "I take it we are done messing with the chests and such. Jana wanted to try out her bow, so we were target shooting." He looked around at the group, "So we have a day and a place to meet when we're done. We know who's going where. Let's go." He turned and readied his things, then waited for the others.

"Yeah, I am anyway. I can't speak for the rest of you," Rumer smirked at Etienne and Jana.

Jana stowed her bow and the quiver on her horse. "Yeah," she said dryly, "if the bad guys stand still for me, I'll have a fifty-fifty chance of taggin' 'em." She tied her hair back and shrugged on her armor. "I'm ready."

Lasiar picked up his pack and waved to the others heading toward the town. "Good luck."

Aloysius walked over next to Arachne and kneeled down. "Don't forget, small one," the mage said with a smile, "meet us at Kuiper's on the eve of the 28th."

"Kuiper's. I'll try not to be --" Arachne began

Aloysius thought for a moment then impulsively hugged the gnome.

"-- early," she gasped. "And for the sake of the Seven Heavens, be careful down there." He stood back up, collected his pack and stood ready to depart.

"The really careful thing for me to do would be to fly back to the Sea of Fallen Stars," she muttered, hoisting her pack on her back.

While the group intent on determining the location of the Glade tried to figure out the best way to transport the heavy chests using Jana's horse, the others broke camp and headed back to the keep.

Aloysius somberly waved goodbye as the others headed back for the keep, an air of melancholy about his person. Shouldering his pack, he stood ready to head northward. "Hope do I that we have not erred in splitting our numbers," he said. "Let us proceed directly to Thurmaster afore we go to Kuiper's. That should leave us plenty of time to scout the Glade. I am hopeful that I can barter with Tauster and obtain a copy of his spell of invisibility. That would be a great aid in our reconnaisance endeavor."

Jana started when Aloysius mentioned invisibilty. "Uhm, I did mention that in my dream, whenever one of us tried to enter the Glade or go around behind Echo, we, uhm, were tore apart by invisible somethings?"

"Indeed you did," replied Aloysius. "Mayhap Tauster hath magics to enable us to view such a creature as well."

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