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Move 118A:Out of the Wood

The Thornwood--Night, 25 Eleasias 1374 DR

Oleanne rolled her eyes at where she had been placed in the watch order, but she didn't say anything. She left the camp soon after, taking both the wolves with her as she found a place to sleep a distance away from the others.

Thurmaster--Evening, 26 Eleasias 1374 DR

The next morning when the others awoke, the druidess and her wolves had departed.

Aloysius was seated by a tree studying his spellbook when the others began to arise. "Oleanne did depart with a pack of wolves a while ago. It appeared that they came in search of her for some reason. In any event, let us continue on towards Thurmaster. The druidess does seem to appear and disappear when she sees fit."

Horse was hooked up to his makeshift litter, and the day's journey began. The going was still very slow through the thick underbrush. Later in the day, the growth thinned, allowing them to make much better progress as they followed the Churnett River. It was evening before the group reached the small village of Thurmaster and managed to get the chests ferried across the river.

"I need to go and see Tauster," said Aloysius. "Perhaps the rest of you could see about procuring rooms for us and a stable for Horse? I will venture to the inn immediately after I see Tauster." He plodded off in the direction of the wizard's home.

Jana led her horse to the inn to see if they'd rebuilt the stables. She also asked at the inn if they had rooms available and how many.

A mere few minutes after Aloysius left the group to head for Tauster's, he reappeared by the inn, a look of concern upon his face. "Tauster be not in his home," he explained. "I shall inquire of him in the tavern. Hopes have I that he has not gone ajourneying now that I am in such need of his counsel." Aloysius headed towards the tavern.

"Well, shit," Jana growled. "What the hell're we s'posed to do now?" She went into the tavern and ordered her 'usual.'

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