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Move 119A:Wizards and Barmaids

The Hound and Tails--Evening, 26 Eleasias 1374 DR

After Aloysius' brief trip to Tauster's abode, the entire group gathered at the Hound and Tails. The patronage was sparse, consisting mostly of rivermen and farmers drinking after a hard day's work. Gloris was there, in her typical low-cut, painted-on uniform, exchanging quiet remarks with one of the older rivermen. Since she was occupied, the other barmaid came to their table. Only at second glance did they realize that it was Anth. Her blond hair was pulled back into a severe bun and her attire consisted of a loose fitting shift dress that fell well below her knees. She kept her eyes on the floor as she approached, and when she looked up, the only eyes she would meet were Jyothki's or Jana's.

"What can I get fer ya?" Anth asked quietly. She paused for a moment before adding, "I heard ya say yer lookin' fer Tauster. He ain't here. He had to go with the Parlfray boy to Cormyr. The ol' Lord made him go."

"Damn," muttered Aloysius under his breath. He exhaled deeply and sat in thought for a moment. "Well," he said, turning to the others, "'twould seem that we can do naught else but remain here overnight and depart on the 'morrow. Stargazer shall be going to find himself a room. Shall we reunite here shortly after dawn?"

Jana managed a smile when Anth made eye contact. After, she closed her eyes for a moment, a look of pain on her face. It passed, and Jana stood and walked over to Anth and spoke quietly with her for a moment.

"Do you remember my friend Echo?" Jana asked Anth. Jana broke eye contact, looking at the floor. "She was given to some orcs because she's a mage. They-- they're doing some pretty terrible things to her." She brought her gaze back up. "I think you can guess how terrible." Jana swallowed hard and continued, her voice low and somewhat coarse from the emotions she was so obviously holding in. "Anyway, we think they're taking her to some place called the Gleaming Glade. I desperately need to know how to get there. Can you help me?"

"Ain't no one in these parts who goes to the Gleaming Glade, even though they say there's lots o' lost magic up there," Anth replied, staring at her feet. "It's haunted by an evil priest that the first Parlfray 'round here killed years and years ago. All I know is it's 'posed to be up in the Hardlow Woods." She glanced back at the group at the table. "What happened to B...the others that was with ya? Did the orcs kill 'em?" she whispered in broken voice.

"They're fine," Jana said. "They're to meet us in a couple of days. Do you know where in the Hardlow Woods it is? Anth, I've got to find my friend."

Anth shook her head, "Naw, ain't nobody ever come back and told where it is, far as I know." She paused again, still looking at her feet, "Come ta think of it, I guess I heard a song 'bout it one time. Some ol' crazy dwarf that lives in Milborne sung it. I ain't got no head fer music though so I don't 'member it. Maybe it's up in the northeast woods?" she finished questioningly. Anth looked up and fixed Jana with a flat gaze, "I hope ya find yer friend, an' I hope fer her sake that when ya do, she don't wish they'd killed her instead."

Jana nodded, her eyes haunted. "I'll take care of her," she said hoarsely. "Thanks."

Jana returned to the table and cleared her throat. "Anth thinks the Glade is maybe in the northeast part of the Hardlow Woods. Seems there was a dwarf from Milborne who sang a song about it, but she doesn't remember it. And supposedly, the Glade is haunted by an evil priest the first Parlfray killed." Jana picked up her mug of paint thinner and downed about half. She blinked rapidly, her eyes tearing up. "'Scuse me," she said and set the cup down as she stood. She grabbed her stuff and headed for one of the rooms she'd arranged.

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