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Move 119B:Glowing Red Thingies

Tunnel Beneath the Thornwood Keep--Afternoon, 25 Eleasias 1374 DR

The decision was made to continue the tunnel exploration even if it meant staying down there for the night. The group continued on without incident for a while longer until some oddly glowing red lights, six to nine of them, low to the ground, became visible in front of them. The lights seemed to be approaching them....

"Any idea what those things are?" Blacky asked, halting and gripping his hand axe tightly in preparation for an attack

Rumer backed up a step. "Could it be rats? Or something else short with glowing red eyes?"

"What are what?" Lasiar inquired from the back.

"Those red lights," Rumer pointed, speaking very softly.

"There is an easy way to find out," Renn grinned, his tone soft to match Rumers'. "Should I cast a light amongst their pack?"

Rumer nodded. "Yeah, let's see what's there."

Renn's spell lit up the tunnel to reveal three large beetles with glowing red patches behind their eyes. One of the beetles scurried away from the group at the light; the other two ran up the walls of the tunnel on either side.

Falgout, who had been deadly quiet throughout the trek, broke from his place in the rear of the group and ran pell-mell into the darkness after the escaping bug.

Rumer ran after him, her short sword drawn.

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