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Move 120B: Bugs on the Ceiling

Tunnel beneath the Thornwood Keep-Afternoon, 25 Eleasias 1374 DR

Falgout and Rumer ran down the tunnel after the fleeing bug. They left the lantern light and the light of Renn's spell behind. Their footfalls stopped soon after they left the light, and the others could hear the sound of Falgout cursing loudly in the tunnel from just beyond the radius of the light.

Meanwhile, one of the bugs continued its ascent of the tunnel wall. The second came back to the floor and snapped its ugly mandibles at Lasiar.

"Go away!" Lasiar exclaimed. He brought his mace across and tried to hit the bug with it. "I thought we had planned to run away from battles that didn't involve Ranchefus." He said loud enough for all to hear.

"That seems to be the way of the plans I've always seen too," Renn laughed as he drew an arrow back to his cheek, his shield on the floor next to the lantern. "They always last until the first beast is met," he said lowly as he loosed and drew a second sheaf arrow.

"Corellon's sword," Renn cursed as he looked at the bug that stayed on the ceiling. " 'ware the one about our heads," he said as he drew his longsword and adjusted his shield. "Foul beast," Rennirolas muttered as he took the side opposite Laisar and swung his longsword.

Lasiar and Renn swung swords at the beetle that was facing the Silverstar. The bug snapped at him again, but it, like both Lasiar and Renn, missed. A moment later, the bug managed to catch Lasiar with its strong mandibles, but Lasiar returned the favor by squashing the bug into beetle bits with his mace.

 The sound of fighting came from slightly further down the tunnel, where Rumer and Falgout had gone.

Blacky swings at the bug on the wall with his hand axe.

"I'm going to check on our fellows down the hall." Lasiar said as he maneuvered past the others and walked down the tunnel.

"Well struck blow," Rennirolas said as he turned away from the crushed beetle. "Do you want the lantern Lasiar?" he asked as Lasiar continued down the hallway.

"No time. Blacky needs it too." Lasiar trailed off.

The bug skittered off down the tunnel, right out of Blacky's reach, the way the group had just come.

"After it?" Renn asked as he made to move back up the hallway, longsword in hand.

"Naw, let's rejoin the others and continue on." Blacky replied

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