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Move 122B: A Turn in the Tunnel

Tunnel beneath the Thornwood Keep--25 Eleasias 1374 DR

While Lasiar and Renn administered healing, the others went about extracting the small red lights from the deceased beetle. They removed all three of them with little difficulty. With glowing bug parts firmly in hand, they continued onward down the tunnel. Slightly before it was time to make camp for the night, they came to the first real turn. A passage veered off the main tunnel to their right.

Rumer looked down both, to her limited vision. Then turned and looked at the others expectantly.

"It seems as if we have a decision to make, and no information to make it." Lasiar said as he walked a short distance out of the light radius to scan the corridors by infravision. "What if Renn and I were to travel down the smaller corridor, and the rest of you the other to return at this intersection in no later than a quarter of an hour? And no fighting this time, only scouting."

"Ok," said Rumer.

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