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Move 123A: Getting to Shore

The Churnett River--Morning, 27 Eleasias 1374 DR

Jyothki tied the rope around a tree, securing the boat. It slowly drifted along with the current, still spinning somewhat. Kaileer shoved his spear in the hole the creature had made in the boat, doing some serious damage to the hand that was poking through. The hand withdrew from the hole. Aloysius began to worry with the chests, seeing if he was strong enough to move them.

Aloysius began removing his pack from his back. "Kaileer," he said in elven, "I doubt that I can get these chests ashore by myself. I'm going to toss my pack to Jyothki to prevent my spellbooks from getting ruined. When we get close to the bank, help Etienne with Janathell and perhaps Jyothki and I can move the chests together."

He then looked to the bank where the green-haired elf stood. "Jyothki," he called in elven, "once the barge gets close enough, I'm going to toss you my pack. Then, the two of us shall try to unload the chests while Etienne and Kaileer take Janathell ashore." He looked nervously at the water. "We'll take the larger chest first." He clutched his pack and waited until he was within 10 feet of Jyothki before tossing his pack in her direction.

Jyothki stood at the riverbank, and tried to catch the mage's pack. She then waited for the barge to hit the bank so that she could help move the chests. "I knew I should have just gone along the bank," she muttered to herself.

Etienne looked at the green-haired elf, "Where's horse? We'll need him to carry Jana away from here."

"He's right here," a voice answered before Kuiper, leading Horse, stepped on to the riverbank with Jyothki. He grabbed the rope tied to the boat and rather easily pulled them to shore. A crow flew from the ranger's shoulder to the horse's back, looking on curiously. The scraping and banging against the boat continued as they moved to the bank, but no hand reappeared in the hole that was still bringing in the water. Everyone worked together to move the chests and Jana off the barge. About the time everything was moved, while Etienne finally got a chance to stop Kaileer's bleeding with a spell, several clawed hands appeared on the side of the barge at once and started pulling it under. "We need to move," Kuiper muttered quietly, "while they're distracted with that."

Aloysius gladly scrambled ashore and, after helping with the chests, reclaimed his pack. "What in the name of the Abyss were those things?" he asked Kuiper. He glanced down at Jana and a look of concerned swept over her face. "Is Janathell going to be all right?"

Kaileer's tunic and breeches were soaked with blood as he stumbled from the boat. "I don't have the strength to lift those chests..." he said, nearly spent.

Aloysius assisted Kaileer in reaching a good distance from the bank so he could catch his breath. "Oh dear," he said, looking out into the river. "What of the boatman? Jyothki, did you see any sign of him as you swam ashore?"

Jyothki turned from trying to drag the chests onto the bank. "Yes I did," she said evenly. "I hope he is reaping the rewards of living a good life, for his time here has expired." She turned back to the chests, heaving again.

"I didn't see them," Kuiper responded to Aloysius' question. "What did they look like?" He muttered as he looked at the extent of the group's injuries, "Whatever it was couldn't have been good."

"They were very tall," replied Aloysius, "at least 2 head taller than I. They had sharp claws and a mouth full of sharp teeth. They didn't seem to like leaving the water at all, and seemed to shamble oddly whilst on dry land. Methinks they didst pull the boatman overboard, and tried to do the same to Kaileer." He shook his head and rubbed the gashes on his side. "Had I known these creatures inhabited the river, I would have advocated more heartily for an overland journey."

He grimmaced slightly as the adrenaline rush subsided and his side began to throb. "That man, the boatman, had a family that he spoke of. Methinks it likely that they reside in Thurmaster. Someone needs to go there and explain this course of events. Kuiper, do you recognize the boat by any chance?"

"Taking to the river was my idea... this is my fault." Kaileer said, leaning heavily against a tree and looking pale.

Jyothki took Kaileer's arm. "I heard no one argue against it, my friend. This could not be foretold, and the decision was a sound one. We are farther down the river than would otherwise be the case, and the boatman's encounter with these creatures was fated, our presence did nothing to cause the attack."

Aloysius gave Jyothki an odd glance. "Nevertheless," he began in elven, "he has. . . had . . .a family that he can no longer care for. If I can find some way of determining where they are, I will go to them and advise them of what happened." He inspected his pouch briefly. "I'd like to be able to provide them with some sustenance, but my purse is running low. Oh well," he added, "I will provide for them as best I'm able."

He looked back at Etienne and Jana. "'Twould appear that many of us are not fit for travel. Etienne, dost thou intend to take Janathell back to Thurmaster or on to Kuiper's? I wonder which one is the nearer?"

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