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Move 124A: Messages to Town

Along the Churnett River--Afternoon, 27 Eleasias 1374 DR

"Hmm," Kuiper murmured, "sounds like they might have been scrags. If they've moved in the river, that'll cause some real problems with trade around here. I don't know if she should be moved far," he indicated Jana's pale unconscious form, "and most of you look like something the cat left on the doorstep. There's a shrine, well more of a spring and a small grove, to Eldath near here where you can rest."

"Moved in from where?" asked the mage.

Kuiper shrugged, "Don't know, but they weren't here before and if the eating's good, I don't know why they'd leave unless they were forced to."

Kuiper looked at the boat, "I don't recognize the boat either. No telling which of the riverman that was, and I doubt we'll find out 'til he doesn't come home and his family reports him missing." He glanced at Aloysius, "I'm sure the man's family would appreciate your concern, but there is no way to know who he was yet. The rivermen travel for days or even weeks at a time, so there may be several families whose men are away. Besides, Oleanne told me that the lot of you were coming to see me on some mission of great urgency."

Kuiper continued with a sigh, "I'll send word to Garyld about the danger in the river. It'll have to wait until someone can take care of. Until then, people should be warned." The ranger began to hastily scrawl a note on a piece of paper he removed from the crow's leg. "Does anyone need to send word to Milborne about anything?" he asked as he wrote.

"Kuiper," began Aloysius, "one of our group hath been abducted by the black priest we battled afore. The priest left us a note saying that, if we wished to see her again, that we would have to meet him in the Gleaming Glade on the night of the dark moon. Hopeful were we that thou could tell us how to get there and advise us as to what we might fine when we arrive."

The mage lloked back sadly at the river and the damaged boat. "Perhaps we should retire to the shrine to discuss these matters. The others are sorely in need of attention and rest."

Etienne looked very weak and ragged, "We'll need to construct another litter to transport Jana. She's a big girl and I can't carry her by myself....even if I wasn't almost dead. She's going to be out for quite a while too. I'll memorize more healing spells tomorrow, but even with that we won't be going anywhere soon."

"Very well," agreed Aloysius. "Have no building skills do I, but perhaps I can assist thee in collecting the materials thou wilt need in preparing the litter. Just instruct me as to what I need to do."

The mage considered Kuiper's words for a moment. "Odd. First we have gnolls traveling by day, then we have two-headed canines coming down from the moors, and now we have 'crags' showing up from wherever it is that they came from. The gnolls and the dogs came from the north, which also happens to be where the Glade is. I wonder if there could be a connection?"

"The gnolls came from the Great Rock Dale," Kuiper added as he started helping look for a way to move Jana. "They were from the Sharpfang tribe. They were looking for their lost shaman. I told Gala that, but maybe she never got a chance to tell you before she decided to leave your group."

"Ah yes. . . " replied the mage, "mayhap . . . ." he hesitated slightly as a warm grin spread across his face, "mayhap Galaret did mention that." He cleared his throat and looked hesitantly at Kuiper. "Er, how fares Galaret?," he asked nervously. "Well, I hope."

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