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Move 126A: Krynen's Farm

After taking some time to rearrange their heavy burden's, the badly wounded group trudged ahead, keeping near the edge of the river for the most part to allow Horse to travel more easily with the chests. Their progress was expectedly slow and more than a little painful.

Before leaving the shrine, Etienne emptied his wineskins and refilled them there. He kneeled and said a small prayer and then turned to leave witht he others.

Well after nightfall, they walked through some worked fields and came near a farmhouse. Kuiper told them, "This is Krynen's farm. His son is Maxim; you met the boy in the Hog Brook," he reminded Aloysius and Kaileer. "Maybe he'll let us sleep in his barn. If you have to meet the rest of your group at my farm later tomorrow, there's no point pushing to get there tonight." The ranger paused to allow the group to comment.

Jyothki walked along in silence, her usually playful attitude having disappeared in favor of a subdued, thoughtful look. She spoke quietly to herself now and again, not seeming to realize that she was speaking at all.

Aloysius bore what weight he could, although at times his breathing became labored causing him to stop momentarily to catch his breath.

When Kuiper asked if the party should rest, Jyothki only shrugged and said in elven, "I suppose we should, I have a salve that may help Jana's throat, but she must be still for it to take effect. I also believe that I should stand watch this evening for all of us." She looked at the party. "It is obvious that those of you who do not need the energy to regain spells must regain your vitality. I'm staying up, Kuiper you may watch with me if you like, but the rest of you sleep." Jyohtki's tone was for the first time hard. It was fairly obvious that argument on this point would be unwelcome.

"Agree with Kuiper do I," said the mage, setting his pack on the ground and kneeling over. "If this man will allow us the kindness of his barn, then perhaps we should stop here. No further this night should we travel." He rubbed his injured shoulder and winced slightly, but said nothing else in anticipation of comment from the others.

Jana nodded her agreement with Kuiper with obvious reluctance. She was obviously at the end of her physical resources, yet her expression revealed she was reluctant to stop even now. She frowned slightly, not quite getting everything Jyothki said but realizing it had something to do with her and her throat. She picked up a stick and motioned for Etienne. In clear block letters she wrote, "I stand last watch ok?"

Aloysius read Jana's writing and nodded his head. "Stargazer needs either the first watch, or the last one in order to regain his magics. Janathell, whichever thou wouldst have, Stargazer shall take the other."

Jana wiped out her previous writing and wrote, "Tired. Need to sleep. Wake up for watch whenever. Sleep now." She tossed the stick down and staggered over to her horse's saddlebags. After fumbling around for a bit, she came up with a brush and walked over to the horse, apparently intent on tucking him in.

Etienne nodded, "Most people I'd say no, you need your rest, but I know better than to try and stop you. Jyothki has some salve she wants to put on your wounds before you go to bed, though." His words were long and drawn out as if he barely had the strength to say them.

He then turned and found a place in the barn where he could rest. He carefully peeled off his armor and shirt revealing a nasty gash he had received. He carefully washed the wound with the water from his wineskin. He then pulled his boots off and pulled the cuff of his trousers up to clean the wound on his foot.

After that was taken care of, he pulled a blanket and a piece of canvas from his pack. He laid the canvas down on then crawled onto it pulling the blanket up onto him last. His scimitars rested well within arms reach.

Jana looked over at Jyothki and mouthed "I you thank" in Elvish, following it with a smile she managed to sustain for several seconds. After settling her horse in for the night, she slowly pulled off her armor and lay down gingerly. She laid her head down and closed her eyes. After a moment, she opened them, sat up on her elbows and looked for Jyothki. After she caught the elf's attention, she lay back down and battled to keep her eyes open a few minutes longer.

Aloysius walked over to the barn door and sat down on the ground. "I will awaken you in a couple of hours," he said to Jyothki in elven. He stared out into the darkness for a moment, and then looked about for a light source. "Kuiper?" he asked. "Dost thou have a lantern? Without a fire of some sort, we will be unable to detect any creature that may approach until it be too late." He dug his book, quill, and ink vial from his pack. "Besides, I have work that requires me to see well enough to write. Would Krynen mind if we built a fire just outsdie the door here? If not, 'twould be best if thou did the building, 'lest Stargazer set the entire barn ablaze."

"Uh, I'll go check if this is all right," Kuiper remarked as everyone decided to bed down. "I know that I frown on strangers sleeping in my barn without my knowledge," he muttered as he moved toward the farmhouse in the darkness.

"One moment," said Aloysius, "I have to ask this man something as well. I shall go with thee." He followed Kuiper towards the house.

"Let me talk to him first," Kuiper told Aloysius as he trailed after him. "I'll bring him back out here with me if you want to talk to him."

"Very well," replied Aloysius. "I shall await thy return."

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