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Move 126B: More Noise in the Tunnel

Tunnel Beneath the Thornwood--26 Eleasias 1374 DR

Blacky's orc grunted in response to the man's question and proceeded to miss him with the axe. Blacky, however, gave the orc a strong blow with his hand axe, nearly killing him. Falgout and the other orc continued to not injury each other.

Renn fired a couple of arrows, both of them missing, although just barely. Arachne pegged one of the orcs hanging back with a sling stone. The sound of another group moving towards them, a larger one this time, came from the direction that the orcs had come just moments earlier.

"Um, let's run away." hinted Rumer.

"I've got a better idea. Falgout you fall back and give me enough room to do some real damage." Blacky puffed out between swings "The rest of you keep trying to hit them with missile fire. And miss me, of course." He added.

Falgout fell back grudgingly to allow Blacky more room to swing his great axe. The one-armed man jammed his sword into its sheath and stood there, looking at the fight.

Blacky and two orcs began trading blows with axes. Missile fire from the group took down one more of the orcs hanging back. From down the tunnel, a larger group of orcs appeared. It was impossible to tell the exact numbers in the tunnel, but there seemed to be between ten and fifteen of them, armed similarly to the ones the group already faced.

"Thanks Falgout.You guys keep an eye out for spellcasters. " Blacky said as he got into the rythem of swinging his great axe. " Time to die." He said as he swung at the nearest orc.

"There are 15 of them!" Rumer yelled. "This is stupid. Let's get out of here!"

"Corellon's sword," Renn cursed as the reinforcements arrived. He pulled an arrow back and loosed it at the orcs, and followed it with a second. "A fighting retreat is in order I believe," Renn frowned. "And if we get decent separation between our group and theirs I'll try to drop a globe of darkness before them," he added lowly.

"Yeah, I know. They should' ve brought more for this to be fair." Blacky laughed between swings. "They can only come at me two at a time. You guys just take care of anyone trying to shoot at me. Anyone who doubts I can take care of fifteen measly orcs can get a head start on the retreat while I hold them back." He finished more seriously

Arachne chunked another stone at the orc's but missed. The orcs on Blacky managed to get a couple of good hits in before Blacky cut down one of them; the remaining one grunted something in orcish to his fellows and fell back a few feet, his weapon in a defensive position. Three more orcs moved into place behind him. Lasiar assessed the situation and told the group, "I'll try to blind them with a light spell, but mind your own eyes." He plunked a globe of light on one of the orcs, far enough back in the tunnel that none of his own companions were caught in it. Several of the orcs grunted in surprise. Falgout continued to watch the scene unfolding, a wicked smile playing on his lips as he put his hand back on his sword, "Yeah, the rest of you fall back. I'll make sure Blacky gets back to you."

Rumer sighed, no more able to run away from the fight this time than before. "Stupid big muscle-bound louts..." she muttered as she moved back close behind the warriors, short sword ready.

"Yeah, so much for the distraction." Lasiar shook his head in frustration. "If you are going to stubborn, Blacky, then I will stand behind thee to heal you as you need it."

Arachne said nothing. Happy to have something potentially useful to do (until she ran out of sling stones), she loaded up another one. "With a tunnel crowded with orcs, at least it's harder to miss," she consoled herself.

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