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Move 127B: Orcs in the Tunnel

Tunnel beneath the Thornwood--26 Eleasias 1374 DR

The orc who had given the others some sort of command made, and failed, an obvious disarming attempt towards the strong man with the big axe. Blacky cut him down easily, just in time to be rushed by the other three orcs who had moved to face him down. He killed one of them, but the other two wrestled him, axe and all, to the floor of the tunnel.

The five orcs not caught in Lasiar's light spell rushed forward now that the tunnel was cleared of its blade barrier, moving around or stepping over or on the grappling occurring on the floor. Falgout pushed forward now as well, slapping one of the approaching orcs with his longsword. Arachne pegged one of the oncomers with a stone.

Rumer attempted to strike one of the orcs from behind.

Blacky attempts to wrestle the orcs off of him, if successful he will barrage them with punches.

Lasiar drew his mace with a grimace as he saw Blacky fall. "You'll wish you didn't do that," Lasiar quipped as he slashed out with his moon's hand.

"The time for the bow has passed," Rennirolas said as he laid his bow to the side and readied sword and shield.

Blacky wrestled with the orcs on him. He managed to get his hands around one of their necks and snapped it, pushing the body off him. The other orc grunted and hooted, convincing two of the orcs in the light spell to come over to him. The one with the actual light on him sat down in the tunnel and clawed at his eyes.

Rumer got a hit in on one of the orcs, but she also got his attention. He swiped the girl with his sword, nearly taking her down in a single blow. Arachne, unaccustomed to melee combat, backpedaled and somehow managed to get one more sling stone in. The orc she hit took the stone dead in the temple and collapsed to the ground. Renn cut one of the orcs with his longsword and protected himself from counterattacks with his shield. Falgout took another wound and failed to do any damage to the orc facing him.

Lasiar, trying to help Blacky, unfortunately left himself open to one of the approaching orcs. The orc cleanly ran him through. He let the Silverstar's limp body slide off his sword before turning to look for another opponent.

Rumer staggered, nearly dropping her sword, but she continued to try and fight.

Blacky continued the unarmed combat the orcs had started, unless his great axe was close at hand, by pummeling the orcs into unconsciousnes

Arachne guessed that enemies and friends were now too mixed up together to risk any more slingstones. Besides which, Lasiar presented a worse problem: She tried to avoid the orc's notice while getting to the downed priest

The two approaching orcs jumped on Blacky as well, neatly pinning the man to the ground. A couple of well-placed punches rendered him unconscious.

Arachne pocketed her sling and moved toward Lasiar. She knelt down next to the fallen priest and began to meditate over him.

Falgout chopped through the orc he was facing and turned on the three on Blacky. They seemed to consider pulling the same maneuver on him, but instead they drew their weapons. Falgout did a fine job of dodging their blows, adding only a single minor wound to his collection as he swung at them with a mad gleam in his eyes. He muttered softly under his breath as he kept fighting.

Rumer and her orc failed to do any further damage to each other. Finally, she slipped her short sword through his defenses and killed him before she could be further skewered herself.

The orc that had taken down Lasiar turned on Renn just as the elven priest cut into the orc he was facing. The orc was badly hurt, but did not go down. Another blow finished him, but the elf took a serious wound from the second orc as things progressed.

The orc bearing Lasiar's light spell began heading down the tunnel in the opposite direction.

Rumer attacked one of the three orcs fighting Falgout.

Renn turned to face the orc that attacked him, slashing with his longsword.

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