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Move 128A: Fein? Who's That?

Krynen's barn--early morning, 28 Eleasias 1374 DR

The night, both in the barn and the farmhouse, passed without event. Everyone felt slightly better the next morning, but most of them still did not feel great. Jana and Jyothki wandered back out to the others with a basket of hot rolls and cheese that Millie, Krynen's wife, had sent out to the strangers in their barn.

Aloysius arose early and took to his spellbook. After working on that for a while, he pulled another book from his pack and looked at it for a while. Then, he gobbled down some of the goodies Jana and the other's brought from the house.

Etienne awoke early still not feeling well. He dressed leaving his armor where it lay, then stood to walk outside, "I'll be back in a few. I need to ask for Mielikki's blessings." He then headed out of the barn.

The elven warrior stayed down and resting while the others got up and began moving about. He looked as exausted mentaly as he did physicaly.

A while later he returned looking a little better than when he left. He looked to Kaileer, "Can I look at the wounds you took? I have taken only healing magic from the Lady this day to help us along."

"Help yourself and Jana, the gods know she was injured worse than I was..." he started to say something but was interrupted by the arrival of the strangers.

After looking at Kaileer, Etienne looked at Aloysius, "How are you feeling, great mage? I have two healing blessing left. I can spend one on you if you think you need it or I can use both to try to heal Jana's wounds."

"'Great'?" asked Aloysius with a weak smile. "'Further in my travels must I go afore I merit such a description, Etienne."

He flexed his injured shoulder and seemed surprised by how it felt. "Stargazer may not be a pillar of physical might, but a fast healer is he indeed. Use thy magics on Janathell. We may well soon have need of her valiant heart."

As they prepared to continue on to Kuiper's, two men, an elf and a human, and a white dog approached them. The elf was starting to show age, marking him as an elder among the People, and was missing an eye. The human was tall, armed, and armored. The elf approached Kaileer, warily at first, then with a big smile.

"Kaileer, is that you?" he asked in elven. "I thought I'd never find you." He appeared to be having some trouble focusing his remaining eye on the younger elf.

Aloysius studied the old elf warily. "Brave one?" he asked Kaileer. "Do you know this man?"

Kaileer only looked up from his rest for a second before his apperance changed to something between joy and unmistakable shame. Without answering, he stood, supressing a grunt of pain and walked to stand before the older elf and fell to one knee.

"My teacher... my master... I have failed you... I am unworthy of this." he said in elven, then dropped his gaze to the ground. With trembling hands he reached up and removed the leather band that was tied around his head and held it out to the one eyed elf, unable to look into his face.

Aloysius stood with arms folded, a curious eyebrow cocked in response to the scene playing out in front of him. Miraculously, he said nothing.

Fein blinked in confusion at the headband being extended to him, "What's that? I can't see it with you this close to me." Without pausing for a reply, he continued, "I have stayed away from home too long, Kaileer. I feel the strong pull to travel to Arvanaith, but even more strongly, I want to set foot in our homeland one last time before I go. I fear I will not make it if I try to go alone. That is why I was looking for you to make the journey with me." The iris of the old elf's eye was marked with a milky crescent, Sehanine's touch on those elves soon to leave this world.

Aloysius could remain silent no longer. "Excuse me?" he said in elvish as he approached Kaileer and the old elf. "My name is Aloysius Stargazer, a . . friend of Kaileer's. At the moment, I am somewhat confused about why Kaileer is acting as he is. I have traveled with him for a few rides now, and his bravery has been remarkable. The fact that he feels compelled to approach you on bended knee causes me great concern. He shames no one, let alone himself."

He placed a hand on the ranger's shoulder. "We face a dire threat one night hence, and we have need of Kaileer's courage. If you and your companion have talents to contribute to that cause, we would welcome them."

Jana watched Kaileer and Fein with something between suspicion and dread on her face.

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