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Move 128B: Ouch

Tunnel Beneath the Thornwood--26 Eleasias 1374 DR

All in all, it was a valiant effort and a good fight. Falgout went down almost immediately although Rumer managed to take out another of the orcs that he had wounded. Rumer took another wound, just enough to put her out of the fight. Renn took down one of the two orcs left there, but the second proved to be more than he could handle. As for Arachne, she left Lasiar's side and attempted to hamstring the fourth orc, although she wasn't able to. He backed her against a wall and nearly got nicked to death for his effort until the other orc joined him in taking the little gnome down. Both orcs were badly hurt and Blacky began to stir, immediately feeling the floor for his axe. This sent them scurrying down the tunnel in the direction the lighted-up orc had gone.

Rumer weakly called to Blacky. "Help Lasiar and Falgout. Please?" she pleaded

Rennirolas sat slumped against the wall, his blood bright red against his white skin, even in the pale light of the beetles' eyes. As Blacky looked to Lasiar and Falgout he croaked, "My healer's bag, bandages."

Blacky rubbed his jaw and moved to bind up everyone's wounds as best he could, starting with Falgout and Lasiar. "Damn, doesn't anyone fight fair anymore. Flying priests, walking dead and now orcs bum rushing me." Blacky shook his head "Sorry about that you guys. I should have been able to take them." He shook his head again. "Does anyone remember what happened to that potion? I think Lasier had it last, but I can't remember. It might be a good time to try it." If no one can remember, Blacky looks in Lasiar's pack.

Arachne shook her head weakly as Blacky approached Lasiar. "There's nothing that can be done for him," the blood-covered little gnome whispered. Falgout wasn't much better off, although Blacky was able to stop his bleeding before he died.

"Sh*t!" Blacky said once he discovered that one of his companions had passed on. "How could a bunch of orcs do this much damage. Sorry guys, I guess you should have run." He said as he dropped beside Renn, sitting on the tunnel floor. "I think Lasiar said this was beneficial. You want to try it?" He asked the elf holding out the vial.

"May the Moonmaiden safeguard his soul," Renn said wearily. He looked to Blacky, "Indeed, I should like to try it. I still have my spells, and can heal the others once I can concentrate."

Blacky began to search the bodies of the dead orcs as Renn healed the others.

He kept his axe close at hand, listening for approaching enemies.

"There were more of them than us," Arachne mumbled, adding, "Damn! Those things hurt! And some of us -- me, at least -- still aren't much use against a well-armed orc. Can't seem to get to an injured party-member quickly enough, either. Or run away -- they could've caught up with me easily enough. It wasn't bravery that made me stay."

"Use the magic yourselves," Arachne recommended. "You, and Rumer and Blacky. And Falgout? I'll be all right -- well, better, anyway -- if I can have a minute or two to sit quietly. And then -- we are going to go the way the orcs _didn't_ go, right? -- I'll just gather myself up and start retreating. That way, if you have to do the same, I won't slow you all up for a few paces."

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