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Move 129B:  Patching Up

Tunnel Beneath the Thornwood--26 Eleasias 1374 DR

Those with healing capabilities did what they could for those among the group still breathing.  Falgout was still out cold after some ministrations, but he seemed like he would live.

Rennirolas did what he could for the others, he cast his last curative spell on Rumer and then bandaged those wounds that needed the most care.  As he did so, he looked up to Blacky.  "Could you see about recovering any of the arrows I loosed Blacky?" the elf asked.

"Can we get out of here now? Can we take Falgout with us?" Rumer asked, with a sad look at Lasiar.

Rumer tried putting Lasiar's body on her cloak and dragging it.

When Rumer moved to put Lasiar's body on her cloak, Renn nodded and lent a hand.  "Though none of us are doing too
well," he said with a tired smile, "I do hope that between the two of us we might be able to take Lasiar with us."

"That would seem to be our only option as we can't afford to meet up with another group of hostiles.  I can carry Falgout.  I just wish we knew where we were, there could be an exit to the surface just ahead and we would never know it.  Anyone have a better idea than a two day walk back?" Blacky asked, looking sad and frustrated.  "Does this orc tribe symbol look familiar to anyone?" He added as he searched the bodies.

 "Uh huh," Arachne said, over her shoulder, as she began slogging back along the tunnel away from where the orcs had gone.  "We saw it on the orcs in the woods above ground that attacked us.  And even if we knew that there was an exit a small ways in the direction the orcs had gone, taking it would still be awfully risky.  Knowing what we do know about that symbol, there could turn out to be orcs above _and_ below.  I'm starting back now," she added.  "You all move faster than me, especially
now, so you'll catch up easily enough."

They made it right past the mouth of the major side tunnel before they could go no further due to exhaustion.

Renn leaned against the wall to support himself.  "I can go no further," he sighed.  "I should like to take the first watch,
that or the last.  It makes little difference to me," the moon elf shrugged.  After the preparations for camp are made,
and the first watch set to begin, Rennirolas cast a protective warding in the direction of the tunnel the orcs were encountered in.

"It isn't much," Renn said as he gestured to the vaguely wyvern shaped wisp, "but it's better than no guardian at all."

"I'll watch as long as I can," said Rumer. "Sleep doesn't come easy to me."

 Arachne inspected Falgout to assure herself that he wouldn't expire any time soon.  At least, not because of neglect.  Then she sank to the ground and got out the cloak she customarily slept in.  "Wake me if you want me to watch," she advised.  "Or don't, if you prefer.  It doesn't make much difference for me.  I'm not a wizard," she added, in a mumbled explanation, "needing a continuous eight hours to recharge my brain...Actually, I might be best off if I do take a watch in the middle of the night.  Hope the stargazer is doing better than we are... Pity that Lasiar died out of sight of the moon...  damn it all."

"That's why I want to bring him out," sighed Rumer. "Even if it is just his body, I'd like to honor it somehow. Him and Kaileer were the first ones I met. And he's dead and who knows if Kaileer is alive or not."

In their weakened states, Rumer and Renn were not able to move Lasiar's body very far.  They had to satisfy themselves with a few prayers to send him on his way to meet his Lady.

"Maybe if we hang his holy symbol somewhere so the moon can shine on it." Blacky offered

Rumer nodded, "Do you think he'd mind if I wore it? To kind of remember him?"

Watches were tentatively set, mostly consisting of whoever was awake would watch.  Rumer watched for a while to begin with until she was overcome by exhaustion.  She went to sleep as soon as Blacky took over for her, resting much more peacefully than she had any night since her capture by Ranchefus.  She didn't awake when Falgout started to stir in the middle of the night, and it was a little difficult to get her up and moving when everyone awoke the next day.

Rumer felt groggy and sluggish when she woke, then, her eyes widened. Turning to Falgout, she said, softly, "I didn't have the dreams, Falgout. Do you think they're over?" Her voice trembled slightly.

"What day is it?  Is it possible that the others met up with Ranchefus and killed him already?  That would explain your lack of dreams."  Blacky said.

Rumer nodded. "I hope so. I have no idea what day it is."

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