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Move 14:Leaving Thurmaster

Thurmaster-1 Eleasias 1374 DR

Arachne pursuaded the majority of the group that all haste should be made to get to Kuiper's farm to find out if the ranger had seen any sign of the missing persons along the Churnett River. Azrun decided to stay in Thurmaster for the night, and Torro, still wounded from the skirmish with the bandits, decided to stay with him. Tauster told them to let the Weismar, the innkeeper, know that he was good for their room and board. The old wizard watched the party with some disconcertion now, obviously unsure that they were up to the task of looking for anyone. His countenance clearly showed that he disagreed with their decision to go their separate ways, but he gave no indication which choice he thought was better.

Pug stopped by Squire Marlen's on the way out of town to cash in on their delivery payment. The Squire was a rake thin man with a beak nose and an irritating manner. He paid them their 100 gp with little trouble.

The six companions set off along the Churnett back the way they had come earlier in the day, leaving the remaining two of their number in Thurmaster. 

Move 14a
Move 14b

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