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Move 141:  Off to the Mines

The Blanryde Hills--Afternoon, 2 Eleint 1374 DR

The large group set off the next morning, the old dwarf's map firmly in hand, towards the eastern margin of the Blanryde Hills.  The night of resting in the inn had almost healed all of those who were still injured from the glade.  Only Jana still showed any signs of injury, and even hers were hardly enough to be considered.  The day was clear and not at all unpleasant for traveling.   There was a well worn path going into the hills, clearly used by the miners as they moved from village and river to mines.  They passed the active mines owned by the local lord around midday and continued along the path.  It took only a couple of hours after that to reach their destination, an entrance to an abandoned mine in the side of one of the hills.

That morning, after breakfast, Blacky distributed 2 weeks worth of food to everyone.  "I bought rations for everyone out of the loot we have accumulated without splitting so far. If this turns into an extended trip, I thought we would like to be well fed.  If it doesn't, I would still like to be well fed. I didn't know enough about mining to buy any specialized equipment or anything, so we'll have to make do.  Renn you still have some oil for that lantern of yours?" Blacky said.

"I have five flasks of oil for mine," Jana interjected.  "It's in my saddlebags.  Which reminds me, I need to made arrangements for my horse while we're in the mines."

"And I do have a number of flasks for the lantern I possess," Rennirolas added.

Arachne stared at the pile of stuff Blacky had put in front of her.

"I need a pony," she muttered.  She looked around, just in case there was a stray pony lurking in one of the corners of the inn common room.  Considering the dog policy of the place, this was very unlikely.

She then looked to make sure that Blacky had set out a portion for Ceth.

After a few minutes' struggle, Arachne went to Blacky.  "I'm sorry," she apologized, after getting his attention.  "I can't carry this stuff and come anywhere close to keeping up with the rest of you.  I'm lousy enough at keeping up if I'm not carrying any of these supplies, but this simply weighs too much.  Could you please carry it for me?"

"Certainly small one, we wouldn't want you lagging behind." Blacky said and smiled.

Aloysius had arisen early apparently, as he was seated outside on the ground when the others emerged from the inn.  He quietly stuffed the food Blacky provided into his pack.  He spoke quietly with Etienne for a moment and then walked along quietly with the group.

Aloysius stood quietly for a few moments, waiting for someone to provide directions.  Not hearing any, he
glanced around at the others, one eyebrow cocked high on his forehead.

He quietly moved over next to Jana and Blacky, and in a low voice asked, "Are we going to go inside?"

From behind her cowl, Echo says, "If we're not, let's fall back to somewhere else so we don't get caught out
here.  Maybe the other mines.  I'm ready if the rest of you are though."

Aloysius stared into the opening of the mine as best he could, and then turned his attention back to the
others.  "Who has the map?" he asked quietly.  "Methinks we ought to proceed into the mine, once a suitable formation has been determined, that is. Perhaps Janathell or Eric could suggest one.  They seem to have the most expertise at such tactical matters."

"Echo, did anything on that map ring a bell with you as someplace you had been?"  Blacky asked.

Echo replied, "I was in a lot of pain and in and out of consciousness.  I couldn't really tell what was going on.  I think they might be on the lower level though, because I remember being brought up after I saw that other priest."

Etienne stepped off to the side quietly from the group. He looked the area over quietly. Finally he knelt down and placed his hand upon the ground.  He pulled a medallion out from his shirt and prayed quietly.

Cethyran turned to Renn. "One of us should go near the front and one near the back to aid in case the unliving infest this dark dwelling.  Perhaps you could suggest this to your friends?" She queried softly.

Aloysius seemed oddly focused on the opening to the mine.

"I-I can't do this . . ." he said as he wrapped his arms around himself in a defensive hug.  "T-the last time . . . Pug."  He turned towards Renn.  "The lantern . . .that's it . . that's what I'll do.  Let me bear the lantern.  I can do that."

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