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Aloysius, Arachne, Gala, Kaileer, Maisar, and Pug
Azrun and Torro

Move 15A:G'Morning, I mean afternoon

Kuiper's Farm-2 Eleasias 1374 DR

Pug and Aloysius settled into the guestroom, and Maisar crashed on the floor. Kaileer decided on a haystack in the barn, leaving Gala and Arachne to share the bed in the master bedroom. With the exception of Gala greeting the dawn with as much enthusiasm as she could muster, everyone slept soundly through the remainder of the night and the morning. Everyone except Maisar slowly came awake and made their way into the main part of the small farmhouse. Kuiper had prepared a meal for them: eggs, fresh milk, cheese, and some vegetables from his fields. He was properly clothed now, in a sleeveless tunic and breeches. He invited them all out to the porch to eat and talk. By the time they had all settled to eat, Maisar had joined them as well, moving very slowly.

Kuiper talked as he ate, "I am going to explore the area around the Hog Brook to see if there is any sign of Jelenneth there. If something happened to her and she was able to escape or if she was afraid to return to Milborne, she may have gone there to hide. That's the only idea I have," he admitted. "All of you are welcome to come with me to help look if you want. It will take the rest of the day and maybe part of the morning as well to search the area."

A crow flew to the porch and landed near Kuiper. The bird had a small note attached to his leg. The ranger held out his hand with a piece of cheese and the crow flapped over to him. He gave it the cheese and removed the note from its leg. "One of Garyld's trained crows," he explained. "This is how we keep in touch with one another." He quickly scanned the message, "He sends me the same news that you brought me of Jelenneth. There has been no sign of her in Milborne, and nothing to indicate where she might have gone," he sighed slightly.

He finished reading the note quickly and a slight smile came to his face, "And apparently, our other ranger is having some troubles of her own up around the Eelhold. Have you heard tell of the 'pixie-led' ranger in these parts? That's Shiraz. She's a wanderer, watches over the western half of Haranshire, she does. There's a nixie in the Eelhold, and the folks around here come up with all kind of wild things about her. Shiraz just lets them believe what they want 'cause it keeps them away from the Eelhold. The nixie," he watched their faces, "keeps the water elemental under control. At least, she did. Now her hold over him seems to be weakening," he shook his head. "Anyway, if you want to come with me, we should start getting ready. I'll reply to Garyld while you decide."

Kaileer ate fruit and cheese but didn't really touch the eggs. When the crow landed he smiled and watched it, then had an idea. "Can Kuiper send word to Garyld with crow?"

Kuiper nodded and wrote the message that Kaileer wanted to send Garyld.

Aloysius dug into breakfast as if it were his last meal. He quickly shoveled food into his mouth, and small bits of egg and cheese clung to his whiskers. He hesitated for a second as Maisar entered the room. "Hmmmm . . . .I trust you slept well, my hooded, fr- . . . . ., er, companion. Our host has prepared sustenance most excellent. You'd better hurry or it may be all gone." With that he continued to stuff his face.

Aloysius then thrust a finger into his mouth, attempting to dislodge something from between his teeth. Apparently displeased with the success of this implement, he drew a dagger from his bandolier and proceeded to use that as a toothpick instead as he awaited Kuiper's response. "By the way, where might be thy outhouse? 'Twas a long road indeed yesterday!" With that, Aloysius became quite amused with his "joke" and chuckled loudly while repeatedly slapping his knee. His laughter stopped abruptly when he caught the dumbfounded stares of his companions. Noticing that, he sat back again, and flashed a miniature version of the PSF, inadvertently displaying the bits of food his dagger failed to dislodge.

After he finished, the purple-maned man sat back, belched slightly, and leaned back in his chair without apologizing or even appearing to understand that he should. "Mr. Kuiper, sir, you made note of this 'Hog Brook' earlier. A 'hog' know I, and a 'brook' have I seen, but ne'er have I heard of the two adjoined. What, pray tell, is this place exactly? Hath it more to do with swine or the travel of the fallen rain?"

Sometimes, obliviousness is a good thing. Arachne, with her mind on other things, missed most of Aloysius's performance. Or acted as though she missed it. Being well brought up sometimes looks a lot like obliviousness. "Rain," Arachne said shortly. "You have maps of the lands you protect, don't you, Kuiper? Anyway," she continued, returning her attention to the purple, well-fed, man, "Hog Brook is across the river -- the, um. The river we spent all day walking alongside yesterday. That one. The forest on the other side of the river from us now is named the Thornwood, which doesn't make hunting around in it sound like much fun. And the Hog Brook rises somewhere in that forest, wanders around a bit, provides numerous places where an apprentice hunting for simple spell components might look, and then empties into the -- um -- that river again."

"Nothing sounds promising," Arachne complained, shredding a piece of bread. "Hog's Brook _sounds_ hopeful, but Jelenneth would have had to come miles out away from Milborne -- and in the opposite direction from our bandits -- in order to get to it. And she couldn't have drifted there; the river runs the wrong way. I can't see how Jelenneth would've met with something that would cause her both to retreat and to hide along the river. I could understand her retreating -- but only to advise Garyld or Tauster that there was trouble. I could also understand her hiding -- but hiding where she could keep an eye on whatever the threat was. I don't believe in the Hog Brook.

"I don't know about this water elemental either. I don't know whether or how it would connect with the rest. And it's disappointing that Garyld has no news to report from Milborne. At least nothing else bad has happened there."

Aloysius withdrew his dagger from his mouth for a second. "Small one, if an elemental of water hath a hand in this, our hands be securely tied. 'Tis not for the likes of us to challenge such forces of nature."

She sighed. "If Azrun and Torro are making good progress, they should reach here around dusk, or thereabouts. I don't want just to sit around waiting for them, but what I do want to do -- look downstream of Milborne -- I'd rather we all were around for. That _would_ take us back toward where the bandits were.

"I suggest this: Let's go to Milborne. I think we could get there traveling the rest of today without killing ourselves. We'll talk to Garyld--" She glanced at Aloysius. "I'll talk to Garyld. Find out how much of the river he might have searched. Maybe chat up the taverns, see if folks know of anything else besides water elementals that's been interesting in the area. Then, tomorrow, unless we learn something interesting in Milbourne, we could hunt downstream along the river -- that's sort of toward the New Mire (or the stream that isn't draining the New Mire). We can search carefully, which would allow Azrun and Torro to catch up with us."

Aloysius placed his boots up on the table, not noticing that others were still eating. "Milborne be foul!" he exclaimed, not noticing Kuiper's look of surprise. "No evidence did we find afore the rains, so what might be there now? Methinks this Jelenneth did have nuptial jitters, and naught more. Of what interest could an innkeeper hold for a student of sorcery anyway?"

Arachne shrugged. "It's not a very good plan," she admitted. "I can't think of a _good_ plan. Does anyone else have something to suggest?" She paused. "Anyone remember where Eelhold is? I suppose a nixie might be interested in Zond, but why come to Milborne to get him?"

Suddenly annoyed by an itch in his armpit, Aloysius thrust his hand under his robe and began to scratch. While absent-mindedly doing this, he contemplated Arachne's question. "Nixies have men enough that travel by their lairs, no sense in sending out for more. However, a shopkeeper in Milborn, 'Dirt Taster' I think was his name, did mention that he had bottled eels from this 'Eelhold'." Finally achieving relief from his previous irritation, he concluded "but, that probably isn't important. I'm going with Kuiper today."

"How far away is this wandering ribbon of water? Since Mr. Kuiper is well-learned on this area, mayhap we should acquiesce to his suggestion and research this place. It seems likely that someone, or something, took both Zond and this 'Jolly Nest'. Creatures of such foul persuasion oft conceal themsleves if difficult nests, not in towns. Nothing hath Stargazer heard to dissuade him from journeying with Kuiper. The only things I've discovered at Arachne's urging is sore feet."

Gala watched the lively discussion between Aloysius and Arachne as well as the interesting method of eating Aloysius had required with some fascination. She stifled a giggle which suddenly turned into a yawn as he demonstrated which food had gotten into his mouth. "Um, I think I would like to see this Hog Brook." she said. "And perhaps this Eelhold as well, if it's not too far. I feel the need to be doing something and then we can return here and hope that Azrun and Torro will make it here this eve." Gala then waited for the others to state their opinions.

"I go with Kuiper." The wood elf says, apparently unconcerned as to the decision of the others.

Pug ate heartily of any food within his reach as he listened to the conversation around him. "As I recall, Garyld made it pretty clear that he preffered to do the investigating in Milborne on his own." Pug said with a slight grimace. "I would prefer to accompany Kuiper in his search and allow Torro and Azrun a chance to catch up with us. I'm sure we could find something to interesting around Hog Brook" He says with a wink at Arachne as he finishes his meal.

Arachne listened to accumulated wisdom of the gathering, in which Aloysius, Kaileer, Gala, and Pug all expressed an interest in exploring the Hog Brook. Maisar, as was evidently his wont, said nothing. "All right," she said. "It's clear to me that you all think that the Hog Brook is worth a look. I don't agree, but that's all right. I also doubt that I'd be much use on an excursion there. I'd only weigh Puddlejumper down and I doubt I'd notice anything that Kaileer and Kuiper wouldn't also. Moreover, I think someone ought to wait here -- that is, if Friend Kuiper doesn't mind -- and watch for Azrun and Torro. Kuiper's estimate was that a complete search of the Brook would not get you back here before the others pass by. "So, I'll stay here, catch a nap, and then watch for returning heroes." She smiled.

Aloysius listened intently as everyone offered their opinion on how to proceed. He FINALLY put his dagger away and pulled his hand out of his armpit. "Twould appear that a concensus we've reached," he began, glancing at Arachne. "Small one, please come with us. I truly feel this is the prudent course, and the thought of thee traveling alone along this river brings me no peace, especially with bandits afoot." He then looked back at Kuiper. "Once thou hath directed me to thine privy, I shall be prepared to depart. With so many skilled trackers in the group, confident am I that we shall turn up whatever may be there for the finding."

Aloysius nodded his head. "A wise course, I think. Shall we depart soon for this Brook of Swine? Methinks we should make the best use possible of the remaining light this day offers." He then looked at Arachne. "Take care while thee art here, small one. Even behind these walls, there may be danger about."

Kuiper continued to work on his note to Garyld as he remarked, "It'll take the better part of a day to search the area well. Since the day is half gone now, I'll stay out tonight and finish searching in the morning, if any of you need to do anything to prepare. If you want to stay here,I'll have one of my farmhands look in on you from time to time, to make sure you're okay," he told Arachne.

Aloysius stood up and stretched. "Aside from that trip to the privy, I'm pretty much set to go. Do many unpleasant creatures live around this Hog Brook?"

Gala looked at Arachne and frowned. "I hate to say this, but we need to start acting as a group. I'm not the leaderly type and never have been and I'm kind of in the middle between law and chaos. But it seems to me that when folks don't like a group decision they have a habit of staying behind. This has happened already with Azrun and Torro. Now it seems to be happening with Arachne too. We're not the strongest group in the world. If we keep splintering up, soon none of us will be left. Arachne, I don't think it's a big deal in this case as Kuiper likely can keep us out of danger, but we don't know that we won't need you. Please don't assume you won't be of any use to us there. I think we need to agree by what the group decides and stick to it." Gala paused to breath.

"Arachne, you're not just sulking because we want to do something different than you are you? I mean, you slept pretty well last night and slept in this morning. Surely one of Kuiper's men can tell Azrun and Torro to wait for us here, if they get here. Please come with us. A broken group is a dead group, is what I'm thinking. And we're already 3 members down...."

Aloysius listened intently as Gala spoke. After she finished, he wrinkled his nose slightly as if thinking very hard about something, then clapped his hands. "Well said, gentle one! Thy concern for our group shines again. However, Stargazer doth dissent on what thee hath said. E'en with all members accounted for in our group, far are we from a mighty troupe. We are in need of information, and with haste if we are to find the missing. Kuiper advises that the Hog Pond is usually safe, so I see no reason why Arachne can't stay here. When Torro and Azrun arrive, mayhap they will have additional information from Thurmaster. Arachne can share what we have learned with them, and those three can devise a plan of action based on all information for when we return." The purple man grimmaced slightly and took a step toward the door. "As for me, not one more cricket should sing afore I excuse myself to the back. A most excellent breakfast, Kuiper." Aloysius seemed to stop and think for a moment. "Thank you." With that, the mage was through the door and on his way to the loo.

"No," Arachne said. "I'm not sulking. I'm also not staying behind. I'm --" She looked around the room at her friends and Kuiper. "All right --and I hope that Aloysius isn't going to harangue me at too much length about how dangerous this would be. I was planning to do some scouting. I -- um--" Arachne's already soft voice dropped lower. "I can shift my shape. It's sort of like the polymorphing spell," she explained to the spellcasters. "I guess. Though it's very tiring and I can't maintain another shape for that long. I can make myself change form to almost anything for a while and I was thinking of making myself a large hawk and taking a look down on the area from the air.

"You're right about a broken group being a dead group. And dividing up without purpose is stupid. But what are we trying to do right now? Find missing people. And, unfortunately, a search _can_ be accomplished more efficiently if we divide up to do it. A group that separates for a coordinated purpose is not the same as a broken group. "Now, to the best of my knowledge, I'm the only one in our party who has any means of flying. (If I'm wrong about that, please say so.) That means,that if I'm to try to conduct an aerial search, I'd have to do it alone. I'm not happy about this; I know I'm terrible at defending myself. But there it is. Using that ability which I have at this point, working alone, seems to me to make sense.

"And before you ask, no. I wasn't planning to tell you what I was going to do before you left. I had two reasons: One is that nobody likes a shapeshifter. Do you count any werewolves or wererats or even wereravens among your friends? What about doppelgangers? Doesn't even the idea of any of them make you feel a little creepy? So the ability is one I don't like admitting to except with friends -- and even then, reluctantly. And the other reason is because I didn't want you to worry about me. We've already got a full list of other folks to worry about. And, rather than waste effort worrying uselessly about me, you should instead worry about the other folks who are helping search the Brook. You'd be able to do something about it if something happened to them. There's less you could do if I got in trouble. So, I did want you to believe that I, at least, was comparatively safe for the moment -- but remember: I'm a volunteer in this as much as the rest of you. We're all choosing to put ourselves in danger--though we don't know what it is as yet -- trying to help Jelenneth and Zond. I'm guessing that a scouting flight is worth trying for me. You're guessing that a search of the Hog Brook is worth trying for you. That's all."

Gala listened carefully to what both Arachne and Aloysius had to say, Gala spoke once more, carefully, "I understand what both of you are saying and I agree. We are all individuals and all have the right to do whatever we want whenever we want. And, Arachne, I'm not really suggesting otherwise. Just that I think it might be better if we all tried to act as a group sometimes instead of doing whatever we feel is important at the time. I mean, I know I need a lot of help making decisions. I wanted to come back here but if all of you had stayed in the Inn with Azrun, I wouldn't have, because that would have been stupid on my part. Ambushers all around us and so forth. Um, what if there is an ambush on Hog Creek? What if someone decides to have a bit of target shooting at a flying hawk? I just want us to be able to watch each others backs is all. Arachne, couldn't you come with us and scout from there? I mean, if you can't stay in the form long, then we could watch you and make sure you didn't get into trouble--likewise, you could warn us if a bunch of guys were lurking in the trees about to kill us all. And, I've never really thought about the shapeshifting stuff. I mean, druids do it too and I've never thought of them as giving me the creeps. I think werewolves give me the creeps because they are almost always evil, not because they can take the form of a wolf, Arachne. I hope I won't be silly enough to hate you because you have a useful skill." Gala smiled at Arachne warmly.

She then turned to Aloysius, "I agree we are in need of a lot of information; and in a well-protected town, we can easily split up to get more. But we're a weak group now and splitting us up here isn't going to make us stronger. Also, you're forgetting that Zond and Jelenneth were likely abducted from places they thought were safe. My point is, we need to make careful plans, if possible, and I think at this point, we need to stick together, if possible. I'm a pretty poor fighter so I must admit part of it is a selfish wish for protection on my part." She grinned at Aloysius. "I trust you guys to do what is best. I just wanted to give you something to think about. No reason we can't do what Arachne wants and what we want and keep together so we all have a less chance of getting hurt, but if you guys all feel we're in a safe place, then I'll go along with it. I just don't want to lose any of you." Gala then walked back and donned her gear and walked outside to wait for whoever had decided to go to the Brook.

The mage's eyes grew wide with wonder at Arachne's revelation. His face lit quickly with excitement. "By the stars of The Anvil, small one, thou art a shape-shifter? DO TELL! The Portals of Insight Yawn before us! What a secret, and shared with us because . . . . ." Suddenly, the mage's excitement dimmed, and his eyes seemed to water. "Small one, you said you told us because we art thy . . . .fr-fr-friends? Dost that include Stargazer as well?" Aloysius's voice trembled as he asked the question and a tear trickled down his cheek. Before Arachne could answer, he looked about in a near panic and dashed out the door.

Keeping out of the way of a rampaging Aloysius, Arachne trailed after Gala. "I agree," she sighed. "I'd rather not lose you either. "There's little point my trying a flight over the Thornwood and Hog Brook. The forest is large and thick; all I'd see looking down would be a canopy of treetops. Very green and beautiful, but not showing me anything of what I'd want to see. "But I didn't really have that much hope of seeing a lost apprentice or knight from up in the sky. And I admit, I was worried about catching an idly launched arrow. Mostly, I was hoping to spot something that would invite further investigation on the morrow. It was a faint hope, but so is finding Jelenneth on the Brook.

"Very well. I'm coming on the expedition to the Brook. (I'll need to pack up my pack.) I'm coming because either course seems rather hopeless at the moment and I would rather stay with my -- " She looked around to make sure that Aloysius wasn't within earshot. "-- friends. We may never manage to recover the missing people, but you're right: It would be awful to lose more in the hunt. And who knows? I may be so lucky -- _we_ may be so lucky -- that I might be able to do something useful during the search. "Wait for me, please." Arachne scampered off to get backpack and purse.

Pug looked a little wild eyed at the notion of Arachne chamging into a bird. "I'd heard about mages and priests powerful enough to change their form, but I'd never imagine I'd meet one. You must be very special in the eyes of Eldath in order to recieve such a gift." Pug says looking at arachne with something akin to awe.

Arachne found a floor to look at; curiously enough, it was right at her feet. "I suppose so," she agreed reluctantly. "It isn't very common, is it?" Then she ran out after Gala.

After all is said maisar very lightly nods his head in agreement, and goes over to the corner to get his pack and other equipment.

As the group prepared to depart at the front of the house, Aloysius returned from behind the building. He kept some distance from the rest of the group and kept his eyes directed towards the ground. He remained silent as the party member's picked up their packs and equipment. Clearly, Aloysius was more despondent than any of the others had ever seen him. 

Move 15B:On the Road Again

Along the Churnett River-2 Eleasias 1374 DR

Torro and Azrun set out from Thurmaster early the next morning. The day passed uneventfully, with only the same river to see that they had seen the day before. Around dusk, they heard a slight rustling in the few trees that overhung the river. This rustling was almost immediately proceeded by two spears that flew in their direction but fell woefully short. A yip of displeasure, followed by two splashes in the river, came soon after.

Azrun looked at the two spears laying in the road, then to the river, and then to Torro. "Do you get the feeling that that was the first time they tried that." He went over to the water's edge, "If you want these back, you're going to have to come out here and ask for them nicely. You just don't go around chucking spears at people." He turned and walked back to Torro, "Well, do we stay here for the night or do we keep going for a bit and see who else will throw things at us."

Torro looked mildly amused at the failed attempt of the spear casters. Torro walked to where the spears had landed, an amused smile on his face. Torro picked up the spears and met up with Azrun as he returned from the rivers edge. "Yeah, seems like it wasn't a good idea to throw a spear from a tree. Maybe they will learn from their mistake. Hmmmm, " Torro thought for a moment "Maybe we should find the owners of these and give them lessons?" and laughed a little.

"Well, this seems to be a good spot as long as no more spears come flying out of trees at us. Besides, I need a good nights rest outside. I didn't like staying in doors like that." Torro answered.

"Azrun, we have company. Looks like she wants our attention." Torro spoke. Torro looked back across the river at the lady gesturing at us trying to figure out what she wanted. "Hail there, my lady, how can I help thee?" Torro shouted across the river at the lady.

The woman yelled back, "Man-cub is bear. Danger." Neither of them was able to place her accent. Again, she pointed down river in the way they had been going and then motioned for them to come with her. She waited to see what they would do before disappearing into the brush and undergrowth beside the river.

Azrun looked at Torro, "We've got woman with big dogs warning us about bears. I say we go with her." He quickly got out his journal and wrapped it up in a large piece of canvas and stuck it back into his pack and waded out into the river. Azrun swam on his side and tried to hold as much of his pack out of the water as possible. 

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