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Move 150:  Down in the Hole

The Garlstone Mines--Afternoon, 2 Eleint 1374 DR

Renn spent a full minute chanting prayers to Corellon before descending the ladder.  When he made it to the bottom without incident, he was followed by the others, Blacky, Jana, Aloysius, Echo, Etienne, Arachne, Daelen, and finally Ceth.  The piercer was still alive at the bottom of the hole, but by the time everyone had made it down, Renn had finished the creature off to assure that it would trouble no one else.  Daelen's pack was nowhere to be seen.

The ladder had led them down to a small cavern, forty feet across at its widest.  This area, like the large cavern above, was dimly lit, as was the tunnel in front of them.  About 160 feet ahead, a ten foot wide passage branched off to the left, leading to the Blue Garl Cavern according to Grizzler's map, while the twenty foot wide tunnel continued forward deeper into the caverns.

Aloysius squinted as he looked down the passage, trying to take in as much detail as possible.

"Janathell?" he whispered quietly, "Do you think it wise to extinguish the lantern?  This light be arcane in nature and may be quickly dimmed by its creator.  We may have a sudden need for illumination of our own."

After someone responded, he continued.  "According to Grizzler's map, the chamber off to the left is significant in size.  Mayhap that would be a good place to look first."

Etienne looked the cavern over carefully, "That is a good idea, Aloysius. If we skip it and continue down the tunnel, it's inhabitants could take us from behind. If I may make a suggestion, perhaps we should let those of us who can see in the darkness lead the group in. The light from the lanterns, flaming swords, and jingling of armor is sort of like a beacon. By letting those of us who are a little quieter go first, we may be able to see what's ahead before it sees us." Etienne waited for a response from the others.

"That seems sound," agreed Aloysius.  "If, for some reason, we can not see, then in all likelihood, they will not be able to, either.  This lantern simply provides them with a forewarning of our imminent arrival."

Aloysius put the lantern out and withdrew a twig from his pocuh and waited to be led.

"Assuming they do not also have infravision, or other means to see in the dark," Ceth said softly. "Though at least we shall be less obvious to those that do not."

"However, to make this work, we would realistically have to have those that need light far behind those of us that do not. Otherwise, any who do not have infravision may not readily spot those in the vanguard, but they will still see lanterns, glowing swords, etc. And, if we are simply in front, they will notice that something blocks out part of the light, I would think." Ceth added.

Arachne moved away from the lantern, angling toward wall where the cavern became tunnel.  She approached the wall cautiously, worried that the place might have other tenants besides enemy people and hostile stalactites.

Aloysius gave his vision a few seconds to adjust after he extinguished the lantern.  "The lantern added nothing to my ability to see," he pronounced.  "So long as the humans can see as well as the night-sighted, perhaps we should maintain our current order?  After all, did we not assume that order for a reason?"

He studied the passage to the left for a moment.  "If we encounter foes in that passage, we may have to go single file.  Doubts have I that Eric, Janathell, or Etienne could employ their standard battle tactics with someone right next to them.  Let's explore that passage single file, and resume our normal, paired order once the passage widens significantly."

Echo pushed her cowl back and smiled nervously.  "All these ideas are good, Ceth, Etienne, Aloysius.  My opinion is that they know we're here because of those three running away.  I don't think we can surpise them even if we switch around.  I don't think Ranchefus can see in the dark or this place wouldn't have light.  Here's a suggestion, just in case.  If it gets dark, I'll be Jana's guide.  Etienne can be Blacky's.
Arachne can be Aloysius' and Renn can be Daelen's. That'll leave us a healer and caster, Ceth, who won't have to guide anyone unless we lose someone so she can help where she's needed.  The other thing is I could try to sneak in there in the shadows, but I'm scared to go without the rest of you.  I'd rather we all go."

Etienne nodded and smiled, "Sound plan. Works for me, let's get moving."

Aloysius nodded his enthusiastic concurrence.

Ceth nodded, though she clearly looked relieved as well.

"No one should be down here alone, Echo. I think we would be better served by you sticking close by."

Aloysius turned to Echo and momentarily flashed her a miniature version of the PSF.

Jana nodded her agreement.  "Makes sense."  She added to Echo, "If it comes down to it, I'm not too bad fighting in the dark, so don't hesitate to fall back, okay?"

"Let's go find some bad guys." Blacky agreed, tightening his grip on his axe.

"Good idea," Daelen said as he sheathed his sword and took the leather bullwhip from his belt, "maybe I can get my backpack back... packback? Damn cold trap..." he muttered mostly to himself.

"Indeed it does," Renn nodded also.  "You are all also right, they must know we are coming," Rennirolas added as he adjusted the longsword at his side.  "As for my prayers," he shrugged.  "I have expended all
of my healing spells, and have a spell of silence I might yet use, and two prayers I hope to catch Corellon's ear with."

Rennirolas kept his hand on the hilt of his longsword as the group departed.  "We still have nearly an hour of slight warning with my spell," Renn reminded everyone as they set off.

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