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Move 161:  A Familiar Face

The Dream Cave--Night, 3 Eleint 1374 DR

Arachne and Jana returned to the cave slightly cleaner and much wetter.  It was obvious from their condition that a storm was raging outside, but the cave sheltered even the noise of it from those within.  With the two women was a man familiar to Aloysius, Blacky, and Echo...Azrun.

Sleepy-eyed but looking weirdly refreshed, Arachne looked around for someone upon whom to apply her spooky healing power.  "Blacky?" she suggested first, since she couldn't remember having done anything about his injuries at any time since the battle.  "May I see about patching you up a little?"

"Sure, if no one else needs it more." Blacky replied "I will take middle watch with you if that suits."

"Wake me when it's our turn," Arachne said, when she was done.

Azrun stood at the entrance of the cave and looked at the faces inside, "Hello, all. Did you miss me?" Azrun took a step into the cave and set his pack down. "Jana, when you're done with the light, keep it. I can make some more...." He looked over to the woman.

Daelen glanced back at the new arrival but didn't move to introduce himself just yet.

Jana returned carrying her armor and padding as well as a glowing rock and a roll of parchment.  Her clothes were soaking wet.  She dumped the battered but less bloody armor by her gear and sat down.  She unrolled the parchment and, using the rock, began to read.  She initially seemed confused, but by the time she'd finished what much have been a longish letter, her hands were visibly shaking and she was clearly distressed.  She rolled the parchment back up and sat looking off into the darkness.

"What's wrong, Jana?" Azrun looked very concern for the young lady.

Jana shook her head.  "It's nothing important.  Not to what we're doing here, anyway."  She forced a smile.  "Thanks for bringing me Lytern's letter."

Echo sat down beside Jana.  "You okay?" she asked quietly.

"Uhm, yeah," Jana said, still looking troubled.  She was starting to shiver in her wet clothes.  "Would you mind coming with me to keep an eye out for... stuff while I change clothes?  I'm freezing."  She looked around.  "And I'd just as soon not strip in here."  Jana rummaged through her pack and pulled out a dry if not overly clean set of clothes and bundled them together with the parchment and glowing rock.

Aloysius stood up from his position at the mouth of the cave.  "Azrun?!?" he exclaimed.  "I thought ....?"  He walked over and patted Azrun on the shoulder. "'Tis good to see thee again.  Doubts had I that ever would be the case.  How is it that thou art not still in Cormyr?"

Azrun smiled and patted Aloysius's shoulder back, "It's good to see you also, Aloysius. I was afraid I would never see you guys again also. I think having Lytern and Master Tauster there helped the court to be lenient on me. Lytern even paid my fines. He's a good man."

Blacky walked up to Azrun and extended his hand. "Well met my friend. It is good to see that you escaped the clutches of Cormyr."

Azrun grasped Blacky's hand firmly, "Aye, it's good to be back amongst friends. Although it looks as if there are few faces that are new and a few missing. Where are Kaileer and Lasiar?"

"I believe Kaileer went back to his people.  We lost Lasiar to the orcs underneath the old Parlfrey keep. That was many moons ago it seems." Blacky replied somberly.

Rennirolas nodded in greeting the Azrun.  "And a fair evening to you Azrun, I am known as Rennirolas
Starchaser, of Evereska.  As your return seems most welcomed, I bit you well met," the elven priest smiled as he finished.

After some time, Echo and Jana, now in dry clothes, returned.  With everyone finally in one place, Renn cast his warding spell and everyone settled in for the night.  Arachne healed Blacky some before going to sleep, and after her watch, she applied some healing to Renn while the elf rested.

The next morning found the group better rested and finally on the road to real recovery from the fight with the priests.

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