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Move 164:  Deeper into the Mines

The Garlstone Mines--Morning, 4 Eleint 1374 DR

Jana fished a severed hand wearing two rings out of the water.  It seemed to have once belonged on the body of a halfling.  The water creature did not reappear and with the back half of the Blue Garl Cavern investigated, there seemed to be no reason not to move on.

The group made it back to the main passageway and continued further in the mines than they had been before.  After walking cautiously for a couple of minutes, they came to another cabin, almost identical to the one found in the Blue Garl Cavern, sitting in a wider portion of the tunnel.  Slightly further down, they saw another side passage off the main tunnel.  If Old Grizzler's map was correct, that side passage should lead to the cavern the old miners had called the Dome.

"Let us simply assure ourselves that yon cabin harbors not those who would ambush us," suggested Aloysius.  "Our main focus at this point should be on locating prisoners.  If we find none on this level, we can more thoroughly investigate the cabin on the way out."

"I have an incantation for the detection of magic," he continued.  "Afore anyone opens a door or a window, mayhap it would be wise to check it for wards."

"If you're gonna cast it anyway," Jana said, "you may as well look at these rings too."

"Agreed," said Aloysius.  He cast his spell, focusing first on the cabin, and then on the rings Jana pulled from the pool.

From behind her cowl, Echo said, "Let me know when you're done.  I can check for traps."

Aloysius' detected no magic on the rings or the cabin with his incantation.

Echo's subsequent investigation of the cabin door revealed no traps.

"I'll be happy to try the door," Jana offered, looking strangely happy and energetic.  She drew her sword and approached the cabin.

Jana opened the cabin door without incident.  The small structure contained a stash of basic supplies necessary for existing in the mines, oil, ropes, food, and the like.  The entire place smelled vile, much like very offensive body odor.

"Let us proceed to the next passage," suggested Aloysius.  "Mayhap this entire cavern hath been abandoned."

Jana wrinkled her nose.  "Eeew."  She took several steps back.  "The oil and rope in there might come in handy.  Don't, uh, guess anyone wants to volunteer to go in and get it?"

"I'll get it." Blacky went in to get some oil and rope.

Echo, more than happy to not go in the cabin, stood by and waited for the others to be ready to move on.

Blacky entered the dark, stinking cabin and removed a coil of rope and several flasks of oil, leaving most of the supply stock intact.

A very short distance ahead, the previously noted tunnel broke off from the main passageway.  The side passage was dark, in contrast to the dim magical light the group had been encountering in the lower level of the mines thus far.  Immediately in front of them, the main tunnel widened into a small rough-floored cavern, with rocks resplendent in hue varying from the dull limestone color seen in most of the caverns to oranges, yellows, and speckles of blue.  Two tunnels, one lit and one dark, forked off the back of the colorful cavern.

Aloysius looked over the multi-colored rocks.  "Hmm . . ." he mused.  "Perhaps the dark tunnel is darkened for a reason? 'Tis passing strange that one tunnel is lit whilst the other is not."

"Or maybe the lit tunnel's in use and the dark one's not 'cuz it isn't?" Jana suggested.

"An equally valid suggestion," noted Aloysius.  "'Twould appear that there is only one method to resolve this question.  Eric? Janathell?  Since thou art in the front, Stargazer shall defer to thy decision as to where we go.  Howe'er, keep in mind that my remaining incantations affect areas, not individuals.  If we should encounter an adverse being at some distance, consider providing me with a chance to cast a spell afore charging forth."

He waited for the fighters to suggest a path.

Jana snorted.  "If I'm stupid enough to be standing in front," she pointed out in a hushed voice, "you damned sure don't want me making important decisions."  She looked down the lit tunnel, then the dark one.  "Echo, can you see anything down that tunnel?" Jana asked quietly.  "Or hear anything, down either?"  She turned to Arachne with the same questioning look.

"It is, until we know a little more about why prisoners were being kept here," Arachne suggested.  "After we know that, I expect that the reason for this arrangement will be obvious.  And Aloysius, we're underground in a mine.  You don't ask why the dark parts are dark; you ask why the light parts are lit:  If the prisoners were being kept for any purpose besides their eventual conversion into zombies, I'd guess that they were kept in the dark and worked in the light.    Humans work more effectively when they can see what they're doing.  And Ranchefus would've had lit the places where he wanted to work.  He's despicable, but he's also -- or originally was -- human.  Echo, where you were kept, it was dark, yes?"

"When the rest of the cavern, save one passage, is lit, I ask why the unlit passage is different," replied Aloysius.  "If the prisoners are only being converted to zombies, then why bother keeping them alive at all?  I suspect that a different purpose is intended.  We are going to have to check both passages, the only question is which one we look at first."

"I was with the orcs mostly," Echo said.  "It was dark there, yes, but they're orcs.  When Ranchefus came there, he had to have light.  The short time I was here, I don't remember it being pitch dark."

"I guess I'll go stupidly stand in front," Arachne whispered.  She did so.

"I won't be able to see or hear until we get closer, probably not til we're all the way across the cavern," Echo replied.  "Do we want to leave this one at our back to look at the other two?" She asked with a nod of her head toward the tunnel they were standing beside.

"I think someone should scout down the side tunnel, just to make sure someone or something isn't in there. Before we continue further." Blacky suggested.

"Echo is correct," stated Aloysius.  "It makes the most sense to inspect the branches as we arrive at them.  Mayhap Arachne will be able to tell us more in a moment."

"Aye, we'll know soon enough if there's anything about," Renn added from the rear of the party.  "And I feel as well that we should investigate those alcoves and smaller branches we encounter.  Never know where Ranchefus might have stowed a number of undead," Renn frowned.

Arachne, after standing still for a moment and then frowning, nodded and started down the side tunnel a short way.

  Arachne backed out of the side tunnel.  "In there, possibly," she whispered.  "Something in there, there is that smells of -- the usual.  A death-ish stench.  Not terribly strong, but present.  There's also another large pool," she added.

Aloysius frowned upon hearing Arachne's report.  "If we plan on going in, we'll need some type of illumination," he whispered.  "Of course, that will also serve to announce our arrival.  Arachne, doth thy skills include heightened hearing?  If thou heard naught, then mayhap whate'er is in there is dead.  In the truest sense of the word, I mean."

"Yes, my hearing's improved," Arachne whispered.  "So that, standing out here I could tell just how noisy half-a-dozen armor-clad people can be.  In there, I heard nothing."

Aloysius thought for a moment.  "I hate to consider the possibility of sending in a small contingent of our number, but mayhap in this circumstance, that might make sense.  Stargazer can see not in the dark and wishes not to volunteer anyone else for what could be a very perilous chore.  Does anyone have any suggestions?"

Jana reached into a belt pouch and pulled out the light stone.  "I'll go," she said, holding the stone in one hand and drawing her sword with the other.  She smiled and started toward the tunnel.

Azrun looked at Jana very worriedly, "Umm....Jana, hold up for a second.  Let's look at our options for second. Last time, you had no help when the pool monster came knocking except spell casters who had range. I'm out of useful spells for another one of them. Echo and Aloysius may have some more but we don't wanna burn up all of our spells real quick. Let's do this as a group so Blacky can at least be there to help."

"Apparently all I'm good for is standing around and scratching my arse." Daelen muttered as he looked back the way they came in case they were being followed.

Jana shrugged.  "If I don't come back out, then there's probably something bad in there."  She tossed the light stone a few times, jerkily illuminating a reckless smile.  "I was just gonna go look," she muttered.  She nonetheless waited, bouncing lightly with impatience.

"Nay, Daelen," replied Aloysius quietly.  "Thou art the rear guard, and glad am I to have thee there."

He turned back to the front of the party.  "If we do not intend to send someone in stealthily, we may as well all go in," he suggested.  "Know thee all that my remaining incantations will likely not fair well against the living dead.  Let us proceed."

Arachne sighed.  "Do you see that stone?" she asked, pointing at the light stone.  "Of course you can.  So can anything that it illuminates for you -- and also anything a whole lot farther away.  That's what Aloysius meant, regarding announcing our arrival.  If you want to take the stone and go have a look, I guess you might as well.  But you also should take Blacky and Daelen and -- and we might as well all go.  All of us are no more an announcement of our presense than the stone and you alone.

"And the smell -- it's nothing like as strong as the pile of former zombies, or even the reek in that cabin.  But there is more of one in there than -- out here, say.  And, unlike the cabin, the scent there was of decay, rather than sweat."

Arachne shrugged.  "So go ahead in and kill something dead."  She smiled.  "I love oxymorons."

"Then let us all proceed," agreed Aloysius. "Hopefully whatever is in there that is dead shall stay . . . dead."

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