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Move 167:  Waiting Around

The Garlstone Mines--Morning, 4 Eleint 1374 DR

The group stood around and waited for Jana and Echo to return.  After about fifteen minutes, the two women returned to the cavern where the others stood.

When they got back, Echo told the others, "There's another cave, not very interesting, with a tunnel at the back.  Just like the map says.  We didn't go any farther since we were alone.  I thought the rest of you were coming a couple of minutes behind us, but I guess I heard that wrong."

"All I heard was that Jana wanted to scout ahead alone.  If you guys are ready, by all means let's go.  I was getting tired of standing around."  Blacky says and takes his position to begin marching down the corridor.

"So let's go," Jana replied.  "Do we wanna check out the dark tunnel next or what?"

"Let's save the dark tunnel for the way back.  Arachne and Renn didn't see or hear anything from down it, so I'm guessing it's empty like the other room.  Let's check out the other tunnel you and Echo found."  Blacky replied ready to set off.

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